| - |-|Worker Training Buildings = |-|Hero Training Buildings = |}
- 230px|leftPark znajduje się nieopodal szkoły Kadic; wydaje się być większy niż sama placówka. Jest tu sekretne przejście do ścieków, które prowadzi do fabryki. Prawie w każdym odcinku Wojownicy Lyoko korzystają z tego przejścia (rzadziej używają przejścia w sali gimnastycznej).
- The babies come here to hear Grandpa's performance. Although he loses his teeth, so Tommy and Chuckie look for them.
- Der Park ist ein Ort in dem Spiel Nintendogs. Hier hast du genug Platz, um mit deinem Hund für den Disc-Wettbewerb zu trainieren. Manchmal triffst du hier auch auf andere Hunde die gerade den Park besuchen. Kategorie:Nintendogs
- A Parked character is a character left in the Elite Mission town for the purpose of ferrying other players through the Guild Hall. When a player in the Elite Mission logs out, they are returned to the Elite Mission when they log back in. For information on ferrying other players via a parked character, see the Elite Mission article.
- Park, along with her twin sister Lian, served Captain Sao Feng as his personal attendant and masseuse.
- Der Park ...
- Obszar rekreacyjny za kamienicą. Jest tam staw, ścieżka i wiele drzew. Mieszka w nim trochę drobnych zwierząt. To ulubione miejsce spacerowe suczki. Pojawia się w serialu. Kategoria:Lokacje
- Park is a member of Ghost Recon. He was killed under Captain Alexander Brent's command in World War III.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiPark – znajdujący się w ćwiartce handlowej Portu Hunding duży ogród
- Park was an American rock band formed in Springfield, Illinois.
- Park generally refers to one of the following:
- Park was a field agent for the FBI during Day 7.
- The Park is a location in Nintendogs and its 3DS sequel. In the original Nintendogs, it is marked on the map as a big, green patch with a shape to it. Sometimes you will see one or two little dog icons in the park on the map. This indicates that there are other dog(s) playing there. When you visit the park, you can play with other trainer's dogs (if there are any.) You can also feed and water your dog here. In Nintendogs+Cats, it is possible to brush a dog here, but in the original version it is impossible
- Park was the owner of a member's only sex club in Farmington.
- Park is a multiplayer map on Resistance 3. It is based in New York.
- The Park is the main location of Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol. It initially only has three Flowers, because of the Smoglings. Originally, there were flowers everywhere. File:Tot.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by [ expanding it.
- Park ist ein Stadtteil aus Grand Theft Auto 1, der sich im Herzen von Liberty City befindet. Hier nimmt man seine erste Mission entgegen. Er basiert auf dem Central Park in New York City.
- Park was a member of the Players' Club anti-Kel-Morian Combine rebel group. He was described as "quiet". He participated in a raid to blow up their mining operation at Chanuk, getting a job as a miner there. When asked about explosives going missing a month before the attack, he claimed it was an oversight. When his actions came to light, Park was nowhere to be found.
- Dsai Park ais ain helpmietl von Repften. Ains man siej ainsjrievn wolte, doon ais her. Ain park gief noch natzoer ainhaltz.
- Park – dzielnica w środkowym Liberty City, występująca w Grand Theft Auto I. Znajduje się tutaj Auto. Graniczy z Island Heights od północy i z Island City od południa. Jest wzorowana na nowojorskim Central Parku.
- Park is a small area of Cumbernauld New Town in Scotland. This area is sometimes confused as being part of Kildrum because of the proximity between the two. Park 3 West was designed by the Edinburgh Housing Research Unit, (later the Edinburgh Architecture Research Unit) under the leadership of Robert Matthew and is the only part of Park to be located within the Kildrum Road. Park 3 West consists of timber clad terraces with blocks of flats marking the area's perimeter along the Kildrum Road. The three other other units of Park (Park 1, Park 2 and Park 4) were all built and designed by architects of the Cumbernauld Development Corporation, with Park 4 being built specifically for private sale.
- The remaining trainer, Celestine, now lives in a cottage beside Olivia's Pond north of the Dwarven District. To get to what remains of the Park, you need only head southwest from Cathedral Square or northwest from the Mage Quarter. As of the pre-patch for Legion, the ruins of the Park have been replaced by Lion's Rest, where there are several druid and herbalism trainers, as well as cosmetic NPCS, but little else to note.
- Park is a district located in the central island of Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto. It is based on Central Park. The district is bordered by Island Height to the north, water to the east and west and Island City to the south.
- Peel played a few tracks from the band in the 90's on his show.
- Der Park befand sich im Westen von Sturmwind, zwischen Magierviertel, Hafen und Kathedralenplatz. Insbesondere die nachtelfische Bevölkerung Sturmwinds hatte sich dort heimisch niedergelassen, und so verfügte das Viertel unter anderem über einen Mondbrunnen.
- The Park is a type of that can be searched in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Park – zielona trawa, zazwyczaj w centrum miasta. Jest również miejscem spotkań meneli, punków i czasami zabujanych par. Parki mają różną wielkość i strukturę, ale schemat jest zazwyczaj ten sam – składają się z trawy, drzew, ławek, jeziora i ścieżek. thumb|200px|Rycina parku
- The Park is one of community maps. Player characters can meet there, chat, run around, or use various NPCs to access more park functions. The park's capacity is 50 players—if the park becomes full, another instance of the park is spawned and more players entering the park will enter the new instance. The park can be unaccessable for maintenance at any time.
- Parks are a type of recreational buildings found in the SimCity series. Parks typically have a positive effect within the surrounding area, often helping to combat industrial pollution by reducing air pollution slightly, while also raising residential and commercial desirability and land value.
- Park is a track in Bloons TD Battles. In this track, normal rounds are sent from the bottom, and in assault mode enemy bloons are sent from the top. There is a pond in the far left/right The track makes semi-circles around the pond. The track has 2 U-turns, and 3 long 90 degree turns very good for tack shooters, and water for Buccaneers. It's center part is similar to Dreadbloons map. The curvature of the map makes Tack Shooters a good idea. The length of the map, as well as the lack of space to fit farms efficiently, makes Bloon economy a better choice over Farm economy.
- Instructor Park was Adria Fairingrove's mathematics instructor after Instructor Hillbrand. He was jealous of her ability to quickly solve complicated problems and to think about future applications. He was educated at the Carthaki University and thought that Adria had been poorly instructed before coming to him. Hillbrand called him a third-rater because he didn't have any ability or patrons. He sent a letter home to Adria's father one day when she solved all the problems he gave her without doing the intermediate steps, and she wasn't allowed to eat for the rest of that day or the next.
- Ein Park ist eine mit Pflanzen bewachsene Fläche, innerhalb einer Stadt. Christopher Pike reitet häufig mit seinem Pferd Tango in die Parks und Umgebung von Mojave aus. (TOS: , ) 2372 spricht der Gründer, der sich als Miles O'Brien ausgibt, Captain Sisko in einem Park an. (DS9: ) Nachdem er in vielen Berufen nach kurzer Zeit aufgibt, arbeitet Richard Bashir 2373 in der Landschaftsarchitektur und plant Parks auf der Erde. (DS9: )
- Between Seasons 1 and 5 it was next door to Bella's café; in Series 10 it was relocated to a plot of land opposite Pontypandy Fire Station. In Series 10, the park gained a football pitch and a swimming pool.
- Park is a type of community lot in The Sims and The Sims 2, and a lot assignment in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
- Park thumb|150px|Park na obrzeżach miasta Mojave Park [ang. parkland] to teren rekreacyjny zadrzewiony i z dużą ilością flory. Celem tych obszarów może być przeznaczone do zachowania obszarów natury lub elementów zabytkowych. Parki tworzone w obszarze miejskim pozwalają mieszkańcom doświadczenie w miastach natury i piękna. W nich odbywają się zdarzenia takie jak koncerty muzyczne, lub inne wydarzenia publiczne. Nota: Teren ten był pustynią co najmniej do końca 21 wieku, albo do początku 22 wieku. Kiedy Ziemia powracałą do życia po Trzeciej Wojnie Światowej.
- Zaczęły się wakacje. Wróciłem z apelu kończącego szkołę, do swojego mieszkania i położyłem się na łóżku bez zdejmowania butów. Leżałem sobie i planowałem te wakacje, już sobie wyobrażałem tą plaże, dziewczyny, a przede wszystkim, odpoczynek od szkoły. Tak sobie marzyłem aż tu przyszedł mi SMS. Był to Krzysiek, napisał że dziś wieczorem robi imprezę z okazji wakacji. Co innego mi zostało niż się tam wybrać. Było dopiero południe, miałem cały dzień, ale wolałem wcześniej wyjść, bo za nic po ciemku nie będę przechodził przez ten park...
- A park, or parkland, was an outdoor area designed for recreation. These areas were set aside to preserve natural, scenic, or historic features. They were also created within urban environments to allow individuals to experience the beauty and presence of nature. Often parks were the location of public events, such as the performance of music. (DS9: "Image in the Sand") By the early 23rd century, some of the big cities on Earth were encircled by parkland. (TOS: "The Cage" , "The Menagerie, Part II" )
- A park is an area used for the enjoyment of nature. They are often times located inside of a settlement, and typically feature grassy areas, trees and other plantlife. Other wildlife often seen in parks are animals. Another common sight at parks are playgrounds and paved areas for basketball and other activities. There are also at times fields used for baseball and football.
- Parks can be used for recreation and fun for the parents and children with activities there for them to enjoy. Children can play in the basketball or soccer court or the playground, while the parents are able to join them or sit down looking at them from beyond. This can be a good idea to give adults rest or have a chat with friends. Parks can be used for a place of tranquil thoughts in shades or bathing in the sun during the summers. Good parks can raise the value of the nearby homes.
- Park - weibliche der Zwillinge aus der Initiation von Dir-agok. Park ist 1728 Herzschläge älter als ihr Bruder Pren. Wie er kam auch sie mit einer dichten schwarzen Haarpracht auf dem Schopf zur Welt. Die ersten fünf Monate wurden beide von ihrer Mutter gestillt, danach - seit Spätsommer 425 n.P. - teilten sie sich für ein knappes halbes Jahr die Milch einer Wölfin mit deren Wurf von sechs Welpen. Beide Kinder haben dabei eine besondere Bindung zu jeweils einem der beiden überlebenden Welpen entwickelt. Silk, ein grau-weißer Zähnefletscher, ist seither Parks ständiger Begleiter.
- A park was a protected area set aside for recreation or reflection. The planet Earth had many parks, a good number of them commemorated historic events. Battery Park was a public park located at the Battery, the southern tip of Manhattan Island in New York City. By the 23rd century, Starfleet maintained a transporter facility at the park, in a forty-story edifice overlooking the East River. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Enterprise)
- The Park is the main location of Regular Show. It consists of a playground, a field, a water fountain, a Snack Bar, Pops' House, and Skips's House. During Season Seven, a dome was played on top of the park by the dome scientists where they converted the park into a ship and the park, along with the main characters, are sent into space, along with other parks on Earth in the finale. In Season Eight, the park now functions as a space ship.
- The Serdin Park is an area of Serdin where players can run around and chat while assuming the persona of one of their characters. Characters appear in the armor they are currently wearing, with their pet and the elemental effect of their necklace; however, if the 'low' tab is chosen before entering the park, all characters will appear with no armor and the base weapon for their class. The following actions are restricted in the park:
* Attacking
* Pet Attacks
* Double Jumps
* Double Dashes
* Air Dashes
* Taunting
* Running
- Park es el nombre de uno de los barrios de Liberty City, basado en el Central Park de Nueva York. Se ubica en la parte central de la ciudad y ocupa la zona centro-norte de la Isla Central. Alberga un extenso parque que encierra a su vez en el centro un pequeño estanque. Limita al noroeste con Island Heights, al este con la pequeña Isla Nixon y al suroeste con Island City. Todo el área que rodea a Park es comercial, pues cuenta con bares, hoteles, tiendas y otros negocios. En West Park hay una estación de tren que va en dirección a Ardler.
- Park is a fictional character in the Hey Arnold! TV series. He is usually one of those characters who gets only one or two lines per appearance. However, in Longest Monday, it is revealed that he runs a "sanctuary" where fourth-graders can be safe from fifth-graders. According to Rhonda, Park is one of the "cool" kids (Cool Party). Park also lives across the street from Stoop Kid, and can be seen taking out the trash in the Stoop Kid episode.