| - Recently recovered from wreckage near Ulduar, Jip would appear to be a new model of Mechagnome, presumably damaged in transit to the Inventor's Library. Complex processors make repurposing mostly impossible, though for the time being he has been persuaded to assist the Earthen Council faction, within the Alliance. In particular he serves Alavannah Norrev, mate of Thalonnis Bael'Evonna, the tracker who recovered him.
| - Recently recovered from wreckage near Ulduar, Jip would appear to be a new model of Mechagnome, presumably damaged in transit to the Inventor's Library. Complex processors make repurposing mostly impossible, though for the time being he has been persuaded to assist the Earthen Council faction, within the Alliance. In particular he serves Alavannah Norrev, mate of Thalonnis Bael'Evonna, the tracker who recovered him. In his downtime from serving her, however, he resumes his prime directives of gathering and preserving knowledge of Azeroth, as well as preserving the work of his creators. This often results in him wandering Stormwind, studying and observing what he considers oddities.