| - Terran er en verden der lægger i en af Wyrden lommer. Den er formet af skaberguderne, og bunder af den evige mana der flyder omkring den. Dens faste konturer er bundne og legemligjorte manareserver.
- Terrans or Humans are the native sentient species of Earth or Terra, and the main race that forms the Terran Confederation.
- Terran is the language of earth-based creatures, like earth elementals from the of Lamannia. It is written in the Davek script; the same scripts used by the Dwarven language.
- Terran is the proprietor of The Keg Tap during the time of Ultima IV. Mitre in Skara Brae had told the Stranger to ask about the White Stone in The Keg Tap in Trinsic. When the Stranger asked Terran, he said that he knew the old hermit Sloven had more information, and that he could be found near Lock Lake.
- The Terrans are one of the three dominant races in the Koprulu Sector originating from planet Earth, or Terra. Simply put they are far more advanced than they once were and their primary Starfleet is controlled by the Terra Firma Protectorate. The white house is no longer in Washington, D.C., Now it orbits earth as an artificial White Moon.
- A Terran is the term in the MYRP universe for an inhabitant of Earth in modern times. (2018)
- The term "Terran" shows up in the Kalimag phrase, "Ter'ran" in the Kalimag language parser.
- Terran is a demonym, a term commonly associated with humans. It is derived from terra, the Latin term for Earth.
- Terran is a simple and balanced race which is the standard race. It is the race which you start out with. Featured in both games, this race is extremely popular to play as in aside to Viral 106.
- Terrans, are actually the first race seen in the X series, contrarily to popular belief. The very first mission in X: Beyond The Frontier, you are above Earth.
- The "Terrans" in the Exosquad universe are the baseline homo sapiens, called so because they originate from Earth, a.k.a. Terra. They appear to be a straightforward evolution of 21-st century humanity, not all too different from us, except that cybernetic implants are far more common.
- Terrans are on average 6 feet tall with skin colors varying from light pink to dark brown. Most Terrans have dark green eyes although eye colour can vary. Terrans have blonde, red and dark hair on their heads.
- Terran was the language of creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth or those otherwise related to the earth in some way. Many earthsoul genasi learned the language as well. When written, it used the Dethek script.
- Humans of the Earth-based United Earth Directorate refer to themselves as humans, mankind or humanity, although they are sometimes referred to as terrans by Blizzard Entertainment.
- Soon after making first contact with the Citadel races, the terrans would expand their reaches through the galaxy at a rate rivaled only by humanity. Terrans are recognized by their incredibly strength, amazing agility, and distinctive mandibles that make up their mouths.
- So I was with my whore and we were like "Hey, let's try anal.", so I proceeded to anally penetrate her. Horrid stuff leaked everywhere as I went deeper. Then I spontaniously combusted. Well, I say >I< spontaniously combusted. My penis spontaniously combusted. I am now the proud owner of a stump.
- Teran was one of the original Stats topic posters back in the Summer of 2002 and was named the winner of the first-ever user contest held on Board 8. He was also part of the team responsible for getting topicality on the board lifted. Terran still hangs around a bit every now and then during the contest season.
- Terrans are the sentient inhabitant of planet Earth. In the Star Trek mirror universe, Terran was synonymous with Human and was later on commonly used to refer to Humans from the mirror universe.
- Terran are the most adaptable race of Solia. Regardless of the living conditions they are able to adjust and make it liveable. Because of this they're often found distasteful to races unable to adapt as easily and considered vermin.
- Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Aller à : Navigation, rechercher Pour une définition du mot «terran », voir l’article terran du Wiktionnaire.{| style="background-color: transparent" | class="bandeau-icone"| |Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources (avril 2008).Si vous connaissez le thème traité, merci d'indiquer les passages à sourcer avec ou, mieux, incluez les références utiles en les liant aux notes de bas de page. (Modifier l'article) |} Les Terrans sont une des races de l’univers de fiction de StarCraft.
- De Terrans zijn een ras dat oorspronkelijk afkomstig is van de planeet Aarde. In het Spiegel universum waren de Terrans vervuld met angst toen het Vulcan sterrenschip T'Plana-Hath in 2063 het eerste contact maakte. De Terrans moordden de gehele Vulcan bemanning uit onder leiding van de uitvinder van de warpaandrijving, Zefram Cochrane.
- Before the founding of the Federation Earth Starfleet officers including Jonathan Archer referred to the system by its native Earth name as the Sol System In the prime universe, the term is still encountered on occasion, although it is considered archaic. The USS Saratoga patrolled the Terran system before encountering the Cetacean probe in 2286. (TOS movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) During the Borg Invasion of 2367 when approaching Earth Data referred to the system as the Terran System.
- The Khanate was born in a time of great struggle, during a time when their planet was dying and they were forced into exile. On barely light speed capable generation ships they left their home world. Over the generations ships were lost, rebellions occurred, and the will to live became weak. The Terrans, warped by their once Human instinct for survival, now seek to guarantee their position of authority in the galaxy. They intend to use their power to guide the errant races to the path of strength, or the will of the Khan, by forcefully removing their weakest aspects so the strong may thrive.