| - One of Widdershins' demons played by Valentine Monfuega in The Five Moons of Japan.
* Pronounced: OH-nee
* "Demon" or "ogre" in Japanese You are one of the five demons summoned by Widdershins and the sister of Goro the Boar. Born 5 years after Amaterasu’s disappearance and once called Oni the Ram, you and Goro have never known sunlight. After wandering north for 10 years in search of others like you, you soon encountered the Earth Clan and decided to join them. You loved your time with them at first, but left 15 years later after they became Black Moon. The idea of fighting and work didn’t appeal to Goro very much. You lived a peaceful, albeit boring, existence with him for another 40 years or so before he began courting a frequent visitor to your forest: a Fire kami girl named Kyoko. The idea of your brother hooking up was quite unappealing to you, to say the least, and you decided to "just leave you two alone to fool around." Finally fed up with just doing nothing, you decided to find out what lay beyond the borders of Nippon and decided to start by journeying south. After a few days of traveling on the open ocean, you crossed the border and were immediately stricken with pain by the glare of the sun that you had never seen. You refused to open your eyes again for several hours until your felt your boat make landfall. You disembarked onto the tiny island, glad to finally be back with earth instead of water, and lay gratefully in the shade. Suddenly, the ground beneath you caved in without warning and you fell into total blackness. When you hit the bottom, you had about three seconds to realize that the sky above you had disappeared and that the underworld itself had just swallowed you up before everything went black again. 128 years passed. The next thing you knew, you were above ground again with four other kamis, suddenly black all over save a few streaks of their original colors, and a young man in a black cloak who was laughing maniacally. You had no memories of your past, only of your name and powers as an Earth kami. The man, a demon summoner named Widdershins, had put his Summoner's Seal on the five of you and said that you were all his now. Watching the summoning was none other than Susano who promptly recruited Widdershins, along with you and the other kamis-turned-demons, to his magic unit the Maho-Reiji Guild. The five demons represent emotions and yours is Bitterness. Currently, you are returning to Nippon with the intent on bringing destruction. Your brother Goro might be the only hope for you now, if you can recognize each other…