| - Pwnisher248, now Pwnisher249, was a member of the Speakonia Community from possibly 2010 to 2013. He was a very well respected member of the SC back in the day, and made some legendary classics that were lost when his original account was taken down. Drew Pickles returns to Newgrounds was one of these lost videos. He was also a member of OldSchoolSwellness, but for unknown reasons left OSS to join SwellDrewTube. He also created a Spidermannoirfan animated series that would focus on the adventures of Spidermannoirfan, but the series never got past the pilot episode. Some of his classics that survived include Drew Pickles goes to Area 69, Louis Perez goes to Universal Studios, Drew Pickles' Horrible Fanfic Theater 1: Ed Edd N Eddy Double Feature (he only made one of those videos too), and many others that have sadly been lost to time. On October 2nd, 2012, he announced he was retiring from the SC in a video where Drew Pickles also announces he is retiring from being the gayest man in the universe. He also stated that the Spidermannoirfan animated series was officially done with since he had come to a truce with Spidermannoirfan for a short time, but the truce did not last long and Spidermannoirfan deleted him from Skype for a stupid reason again. He planned to have a new episode out by Halloween, but that never happened. From that point on, he reuploaded a few of his deleted videos and produced the aforementioned fanfiction reading video before going on a short lived commentary phase. He created his final Drew video, Drew Pickles goes to Harvester, on September 27, 2013. However, he only made that video to test out a theory of how many views it would get in comparison to his other videos he had made at the time. Afterwards, he started an attempt at being a let's player by making let's plays of Duke Nukem and Postal 2 before abandoning his channel. In 2016, he returned to activity, and now has gone on the washed up Speakonia Star Downward Spiral that many former BB video makers go through (making meme videos, uploading bland random shit, etc.) For a short time he was considering making a political/religious channel named Archon Abraxas, but it was abandoned later due to lack of interest.