| - Jalapeno (tạm dịch: Ớt Lửa) là một cây giết ngay xuất hiện trong cả hai trò chơi chính của sê-ri Plants vs. Zombies. Khi được trồng, nó sẽ phát nổ và tạo ra một dải lửa kéo dài trên cả một hàng, gây ra 90 sát thương cơ bản, đồng thời xóa bỏ mọi hiệu ứng làm lạnh hoặc đóng băng cho tất cả zombie trên đó.
- The jalapeno is a fruit, a medium- to large-sized chili pepper with a warm, burning sensation when eaten. A ripe jalapeño is 2–3½ inches (5–9 cm) long and is commonly picked and sold when still green. It is a cultivar of the species Capsicum annuum originating in Mexico. It is named after Xalapa, Veracruz, where it was traditionally produced. 160 square km are dedicated for the cultivation in Mexico, primarily in the Papaloapan river basin in the north of the state of Veracruz and in the Delicias, Chihuahua area. Jalapeños are cultivated on smaller scales in Jalisco, Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chiapas.
- Jalapeno is an plant available in both main series Plants vs. Zombies games. When planted, it will explode and cover the lane it is placed on in fire, dealing 90 normal damage shots worth of damage to and removing all ice-based effect from every enemy in the lane.
- The Jalapeno was a fruit seed available in FarmVille. It was introduced on February 14th, 2011. They can be planted at level 16 and take 8 hours to grow. They cost and can be harvested for . They yield File:XP-icon.png experience when planted. Jalapenos can be combined with Peppers in the Greenhouse to create Fire Pepper seeds.