| - Kagustuchi is the overseer of the Amala Universe and the main antagonist of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. An avatar of YHVH, it maintain the endless cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth across all worlds. When an universe is reaching its death, the only way to avoid it's demise is through the Conception, an apocalyptic event that prepares for the universe's rebirth. With the Conception, Kagutsuchi manifests on Earth, selecting the individuals who hold a Reason capable of shaping the Universe that is to born. Then, a specific location is twisted into a spherical shape that defies gravity, and a Vortex World is created. All that exists outside of it is erased from existence, and every living being but the selected humans die. The survivors must then develop their reason, and meet with Kagutsuchi at the center of the Vortex World, to prove their worth and create the new universe. Thus, Kagutsuchi appears to be a neutral entity, with it's purpose being the maintenance of existence. However, it holds a different ultimate goal: To forever perpetuate the suffering of humanity through the endless conflict of Law and Chaos. As an Avatar of YHVH, it holds no good-will towards mankind, and while pretending to accept all Reasons equally, Kagutsuchi will violently oppose the Demi-Fiend if he is allied with Lucifer.