| - in progress
- ==See Also==__NOEDITSECTION__
* Crossbow Ammunitions ()
* Ammunitions ()
* Weapons ()
- In inFamous 2 several varieties of Bolts were introduced. While many have different dynamics, most share similar traits such as low damage but low energy consumption.
- Siehe Bolt
- Bolts may be used with crossbows that are lower level than themselves, but their damage will be capped at the crossbow's level. For example, if one were to use level 80 royal bolts with the level 50 rune crossbow, the bolts would perform as level 50 runite bolts. Different types of bolts can be stored in a bolt pouch to conserve space. Bolts sometimes survive shots, so you can pick up your fired bolts.
- Bolts are a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Bolts are the ammunition used by crossbows. Most types of bolts are made using a combination of the Smithing and Fletching skills, the initial bolts being made with Smithing, and feathers being added with Fletching. Certain special bolts can only be obtained through other methods, such as monster drops or specialist shops. Different types of bolts can be stored in a bolt pouch to conserve space. Bolts sometimes survive shots, so you can pick up your fired bolts.
- Bolts are the ammunition used in crossbows in Dragon Age: Origins. There are several different types of bolts, each with its own special ability.
- Bolts was the astromech droid of Blue Five's T-65 X-wing starfighter. During the Ambush on Ral's Run, Blue Five ordered the droid to redistribute power.
- Die Bolts ("zu deutsch: Schrauben") ist eine häufige Crafting Material, das vor allem in Konstruktionsgebieten zu finden ist. Sie werden für einige wichtige Crafting Rezepte verwendet.
- Bolt eli pieni nuoli kuuluu crossbowin käyttöön. Ilmaispelaajille on vain käytössä Bronze boltsit. ne ovat melko halpoja. Maksaville pelaajille ovat käytössä iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant, rune, ja dragon boltsit.Jos haluaa kehittää rangedia nopeasti, kannattaa käyttää accurate tyyliä. Se tosin ei ole kaikista nopein tapa ampua
- Bolts are the ammo used for crossbows. They are carried in a quiver.
- thumb|Bolts aus Ratchet & Clank. Muttern haben ein Wert von "5" und Schrauben "1" Bolts (engl. Boltzen, Schrauben) sind die Währung im Ratchet & Clank-Universum. Mit ihnen können Ratchet und Clank neue Waffen und Rüstungen bei den Verkäufern erwerben oder andere Spielfiguren bezahlen, damit diese ihnen Hinweise oder Geräte für den weiteren Spielverlauf geben.
- Bolts are a shorter, heavier form of Arrows, fired from Crossbows. They only exist in Diablo II. A single quiver holds a maximum amount of 250 bolts. Arrows used by Bows cannot be fired from a Crossbow. Any Skill that may fire an empowered arrow may do so with a bolt as well. In Diablo III, projectiles similar to bolts (but considerably larger) can be seen being fired from Sentries and Demonic Ballistae. Crossbows and Hand Crossbows can be used with any Quiver freely, but lore-wise, fire modified arrows, different in size and weight from normal ones.