| - SVD Dragunov (pelissä nimellä Laser-Sighted Sniper Rifle) on kiikarikivääri pelissä GTA VCS.
- The Dragunov is a weapon featured in Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. The Dragunov is a Russian type of a sniper rifle. It is less powerful, but a faster rate of fire than other rifles. It is the best sniper rifle for fast-paced situations.
- Pros: Long Range, High Damage, ReliableCons: Heavy, No Burst Fire
- The Dragunov (also known as Snaiperskaia Vintovka Dragunova [Dragunov Sniper Rifle]) is a kind of semi-automatic sniper rifle that is featured in CrossFire.
- Dragunov can be found on Midnight, Cobalt, Hunter, Sage, Viridian, and Opal.
- The Dragunov was a type of sniper rifle. It had range of around 400 meters. Al Crenshaw was armed with a Dragunov rifle during Operation Nightfall. Ronnie Pope claimed it was the coolest rifle he had ever seen, but Crenshaw explained he would be happier with his M40, as the Dragunov had a large kick and weighed a lot. Crenshaw used the rifle to take out several guards at checkpoints across Kosovo. (Nightfall)
- Dragunov on samasta lajista kuin Green. Muista lajin jäsenistä poiketen hänen voimansa (Sähkö,varjo) ovat kanavoituneet kynsien sijaan kahteen miekkaan, joita hän kantaa aina mukanaan. Dragunov on todella taitava soturi, hän on vaarallisimmillaan lähitaistelussa. Hän voi iskeä sähköllä, lyödä miekoilla tai käyttää hyväkseen pelkoa, jota hän aiheuttaa vihollisissaan.Dragunov on nopea ja ketterä, ei niinkään voimakas, mutta voi tappaa vihollisensa yhdellä iskulla. Dragunovin haarniska on puna-musta. Hän on liittoutunut Makutain veljeskunnan kanssa ja suorittaa tehtäviä joihin makutat eivät kykene tai jotka ovat todella vaarallisia. Tähän mennessä ainoa tehtävä jossa hän ei ole onnistunut on Greenin vangitseminen ja tuominen Makutoille.
- The Dragunov is a semi-automatic sniper rifle featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Heroes, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It also makes a brief cameo in Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- Die Dragunov ist ein russisches halbautomatisches Scharfschützengewehr aus Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare und Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified.
- Dragunov is a new character introduced in Metal Slug Attack. She first appeared during the Extra Ops titled "Code: Assault".
- CDO SVD 02.jpg The Dragunov is a sniper rifle that appears in every Conflict series .
- The Dragunov (also known as Dragunov SVD) is a Soviet-made semi-automatic sniper rifle featured in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies mode. The Dragunov can be obtained from the Mystery Box in "Five", Kino der Toten, Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri La, and Moon. Being semi-automatic makes it a lot more useful in medium to mid-short range than the L96A1, which has a slower ROF and a smaller magazine. It is a reasonably good support weapon until around round 8 where it starts to lose its power.