Rear Admiral Daniel Leonard was a senior officer in the United Earth Starfleet in 2151. Leonard, along with Vice Admiral Maxwell Forrest, conferred with Vulcan ambassador Soval and a couple of his associates at Starfleet Medical regarding the incident involving the Klingon courier Klaang. With the incident occurring on Earth soil Leonard insisted to the Vulcans that Starfleet handle the situation. (ENT episode & novelization: Broken Bow)
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- Daniel Leonard
- Daniel Leonard
- Daniel Leonard
| - Daniel Leonard était un officier de Starfleet (Terre) au 22ème siècle.
- Admirál Daniel Leonard byl v 50. letech 22. století členem Velení Hvězdné flotily. V dubnu roku 2151 byl Leonard částí skupiny, která vyšetřovala havárii klingonské lodi, kterou pilotoval Klaang, a která se zřítila v Broken Bow na Zemi. Mluvil o Klaangovi jako o "Kling-ottovi." (ENT: Broken Bow) Leonard byl pojmenován po Leonardu Nimoyovi, který v Původní sérii ztvárnil Spocka.
- Rear Admiral Daniel Leonard was a senior officer in the United Earth Starfleet in 2151. Leonard, along with Vice Admiral Maxwell Forrest, conferred with Vulcan ambassador Soval and a couple of his associates at Starfleet Medical regarding the incident involving the Klingon courier Klaang. With the incident occurring on Earth soil Leonard insisted to the Vulcans that Starfleet handle the situation. (ENT episode & novelization: Broken Bow)
- thumb|Admiral Daniel Leonard (2151) Rear Admiral Daniel Leonard ist ein Flaggoffizier und Angehöriger des Sternenflottenkommandos in den 2150er. Im April des Jahres 2151 ist er ein Mitglied einer Gruppe von Sternenflottenoffizieren, die sich mit dem Klingonen Klaang befasst, der mit einem kleinem Raumschiff auf der Erde abgestürzt ist. Er bezeichnet Klaang fälschlicherweise als Klingote. Leonard wird aber gleich darauf vom Vulkanier Tos korrigiert. (ENT: )
- Daniel Leonard was a Starfleet Rear admiral in the 22nd century. In 2151, Leonard was part of a group of Starfleet officers who conferred with Vulcan ambassador Soval at Starfleet Medical, regarding the disposition of Klaang, a Klingon courier who had recently crash landed on Earth. Leonard expressed annoyance with Soval, who recommended allowing the Vulcans to handle the situation, responding that the incident had occurred on Earth soil, and therefore should be Starfleet's responsibility. Later in the discussion, Leonard mistakenly identified Klaang as a "Klingot" to Captain Archer. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
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| - Daniel Leonard était un officier de Starfleet (Terre) au 22ème siècle.
- Daniel Leonard was a Starfleet Rear admiral in the 22nd century. In 2151, Leonard was part of a group of Starfleet officers who conferred with Vulcan ambassador Soval at Starfleet Medical, regarding the disposition of Klaang, a Klingon courier who had recently crash landed on Earth. Leonard expressed annoyance with Soval, who recommended allowing the Vulcans to handle the situation, responding that the incident had occurred on Earth soil, and therefore should be Starfleet's responsibility. Later in the discussion, Leonard mistakenly identified Klaang as a "Klingot" to Captain Archer. (ENT: "Broken Bow") Leonard was portrayed by Jim Beaver. Leonard was named after Leonard Nimoy, the Original Series actor who played Spock. As evidenced by the second draft script of "Broken Bow", Admiral Leonard's first name was originally "Henry". Although the character is referred to on-screen as "Dan", it is unclear – from evidence established in canon – whether this is meant as a shortened form of "Daniel". This likelihood was confirmed in the revised final draft of the script, however. [1] In a character breakdown sheet that Paramount sent to talent agents upon seeking an actor for the part, Admiral Leonard was described as follows: "Human male. 40s – 50s. A high-ranking officer in Starfleet who serves directly under Admiral Forrest." [2]
- thumb|Admiral Daniel Leonard (2151) Rear Admiral Daniel Leonard ist ein Flaggoffizier und Angehöriger des Sternenflottenkommandos in den 2150er. Im April des Jahres 2151 ist er ein Mitglied einer Gruppe von Sternenflottenoffizieren, die sich mit dem Klingonen Klaang befasst, der mit einem kleinem Raumschiff auf der Erde abgestürzt ist. Er bezeichnet Klaang fälschlicherweise als Klingote. Leonard wird aber gleich darauf vom Vulkanier Tos korrigiert. (ENT: ) Daniel Leonard wurde von Jim Beaver gespielt und von Walter von Hauff synchronisiert. Der Charakter wurde nach Leonard Nimoy benannt, der die Rolle des Vulkaniers Spock spielte.
- Admirál Daniel Leonard byl v 50. letech 22. století členem Velení Hvězdné flotily. V dubnu roku 2151 byl Leonard částí skupiny, která vyšetřovala havárii klingonské lodi, kterou pilotoval Klaang, a která se zřítila v Broken Bow na Zemi. Mluvil o Klaangovi jako o "Kling-ottovi." (ENT: Broken Bow) Leonard byl pojmenován po Leonardu Nimoyovi, který v Původní sérii ztvárnil Spocka.
- Rear Admiral Daniel Leonard was a senior officer in the United Earth Starfleet in 2151. Leonard, along with Vice Admiral Maxwell Forrest, conferred with Vulcan ambassador Soval and a couple of his associates at Starfleet Medical regarding the incident involving the Klingon courier Klaang. With the incident occurring on Earth soil Leonard insisted to the Vulcans that Starfleet handle the situation. (ENT episode & novelization: Broken Bow)
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