| - Niklas Luxemburg (2213 - 2295) was a Barmenian politician and intelectual that emigrated to Dorvik in 2289. Born in Ikedon (Barmenistan) to a family of teachers, joined the Popular Democratic Party of Barmenistan in 2229. Luxemburg studied at the University of Kathura, receiving his Ph.D. in Political Sciences in 2240. After the disolution of PDPB in 2241 many former members of PDP joined the Barmenian Communist Party, but he remained out of politics and declined became a member of PCB. Anyway, with some leaders of the defunct party, formed the "Socialist Barmenistan" group, wich focused mainly in the intellectual work. In this period, Luxemburg developed a career as academic on Social Sciences in the University of Kathura, and published his important work "Democracy and Socialism in Barmenistan". In the June 2287 elections the Barmenistan Traviscist Party won both the Presidency and absolute majority in parliament. This mark the beginning of Travicist dictatorship period. In 2288 Luxemburg published a controversial text "What is Traviscism?", and the same year the Traviscist politics censured the free education, and the "Socilist Barmenistan" intellectuals have to left the country after this persecution. Niklas Luxemburg emigrated in 2289 to the city of Kordaw in Dorvik. In 2290 Luxemburg began a teaching career as a political theorist in Kordusia Univesity, where he took contact with members of Green Freedom Party and Dorvish Democratic Alliance (the Liberal Socialist Party predecessor). He also founded a journal called "Socilist Initiative Review" in 2291, and wrote the influential book "Dorvik Socialism: A Revision". In 2295 Luxemburg dies in Kordaw. The disciples of Luxemburg formed the "Luxemburg Group" in 2298.