Attributes | Values |
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supports archetypes
| - * Crystal Beast
* Ultimate Crystal God
fr name
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es lore
| - Todos los monstruos "Bestia de Cristal" en el Campo y el Cementerio se convierten en monstruos de OSCURIDAD. Si "Dragón Arco Iris" o "Dragón Arco Iris Oscuro" ataca, niega los efectos del objetivo del ataque durante esa Battle Phase. Durante el cálculo de daño, si un monstruo "Bestia de Cristal" que controlas batalla y tú fueras a recibir daño: puedes mandar al Cementerio, desde tu Deck, 1 monstruo "Bestia de Cristal"; no recibes daño de batalla de esa batalla.
el name
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - お互いのフィールド上・墓地に存在する、「宝玉獣」と名のついたモンスターを闇属性として扱う。また、「究極宝玉神」と名のついたモンスターが攻撃する場合、バトルフェイズの間だけ攻撃対象モンスターの効果は無効化される。自分フィールド上の「宝玉獣」と名のついたモンスターが戦闘を行うダメージ計算時、自分のデッキから「宝玉獣」と名のついたモンスター1体を墓地へ送る事で、その戦闘によって発生する自分への戦闘ダメージを0にする。
it lore
| - Tutti i mostri "Bestia Cristallo" sul Terreno e nel Cimitero diventano OSCURITÀ. Se "Drago Arcobaleno" o "Drago Arcobaleno Oscuro" attaccano, annulla gli effetti del bersaglio dell'attacco durante quella Battle Phase. Durante il calcolo dei danni, se un mostro "Bestia Cristallo" che controlli combatte e tu stai per subire danni: puoi mandare 1 mostro "Bestia Cristallo" dal tuo Deck al Cimitero; non subisci danno da combattimento da quella battaglia.
pt name
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| - All "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field and in the Graveyard become DARK. If "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon" attacks, negate the effects of the attack target during that Battle Phase. During damage calculation, if a "Crystal Beast" monster you control battles and you would take damage: You can send 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard; you take no Battle Damage from that battle.
pt lore
| - Todos os monstros "Crystal Beast" no campo e no Cemitério tornam-se DARK. Se "Rainbow Dragon" ou "Rainbow Dark Dragon" atacar, negue o efeito do alvo atacado durante a Battle Phase. Durante o cálculo de dano, se um monstro "Crystal Beast" que você controla batalhar e você receber dano: Você pode enviar 1 monstro "Crystal Beast" do seu Deck para o Cemitério; você não recebe Dano de Batalha daquela batalha.
zh lore
| - 场上和目的中的名字中带有【宝玉兽】的怪兽的属性都视为[暗]。名字中带有【究极宝玉神】的怪兽攻击时,可以使攻击对象怪兽的效果在战斗阶段期间无效。名字中带有【宝玉兽】的怪兽进行参加的战斗的伤害计算时,可以将自己卡组中一只名字中带有【宝玉兽】的怪兽送去墓地,使那次战斗给自己造成的战斗伤害变为0。
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stat change
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| - Negates the effects of your opponent's Effect Monsters
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de lore
| - Alle „Kristallungeheuer“-Monster auf dem Spielfeld und im Friedhof werden zu FINSTERNIS. Falls „Regenbogendrache“ oder „Regenbogenfinsternisdrache“ angreift, annulliere während der Battle Phase die Effekte des Angriffsziels. Während der Schadensberechnung, falls ein „Kristallungeheuer“-Monster, das du kontrollierst, kämpft und du Schaden erhalten würdest: Du kannst 1 „Kristallungeheuer“-Monster von deinem Deck auf den Friedhof legen; du erhältst aus dem Kampf keinen Kampfschaden.
de name
| - Fortgeschrittene Finsternis
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fr lore
| - Tous les monstres "Bête Cristalline" sur le Terrain et dans le Cimetière deviennent TÉNÈBRES. Si "Dragon Arc-en-Ciel" ou "Dragon Arc-en-Ciel des Ténèbres" attaque, annulez les effets de la cible de l'attaque durant la Battle Phase. Durant le calcul des dommages, si un monstre "Bête Cristalline" que vous contrôlez combat et que vous allez recevoir des dommages : vous pouvez envoyer 1 monstre "Bête Cristalline" depuis votre Deck au Cimetière ; vous ne recevez aucun dommage de combat de ce combat.
Life points
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card type
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effect types
| - Continuous-like, Continuous-like, Trigger-like
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zh name
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Ja Name
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| - Sends from your Deck to your Graveyard for cost
gx06 sets
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gx06 lore
| - The Attribute of any "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field or Graveyard is treated as DARK. When calculating Battle Damage caused by a "Crystal Beast" monster, you can send 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, to reduce any Battle Damage you take to 0. If a "Rainbow Dragon" monster attacks, the effect of the monster it attacks is negated during the Battle Phase. When this card is removed from the field, all face-up "Crystal Beast" monsters on the field are destroyed.