| - Like most of these modern Eastern Bloc players, Novak Djokovic plays his tennis from the baseline and uses a double-fisted stroke on the backhand side. It is most unfortunate. Djokovic maintains a blind devotion to powerful shot-making and overlooks the many subtleties of the game. He doesn't serve and volley, he doesn't slice his backhand and he ignores the dink - a shot that seems to have completely gone out of fashion. Djokovic's game would be indistinguishable from the homogenous mass of today's tennis scene, were it not for his service routine. Before each serve, Djokovic likes to bounce the ball. On a big point he can do it up to two dozen times. Some may argue that this is a mere aid to concentration or a harmless personality quirk. That would be ridiculous. No, it is a blatant attempt to put off the opposition through methods approximating to hypnosis. No man can watch a ball bounce so many times and still play to their best. It's cheating and it's amazing that the authorities let him get away with it. However, there is something that can be done. At Lower Crinchley Lawn Tennis Club, there is a member called Margaret Setherwick. Margaret is notorious at the club for her bouncing shenanigans. It seems you spend the majority of your allotted court time waiting for her to serve. She has also been known to leave gates unlocked and keep a mobile telephone turned on in her tennis bag. She is a troublemaker. However, there are no club indiscretions that cannot be solved by a spot of social stigmatism. As such, the LCLTC membership committee passed a resolution barring its council members from talking to Margaret at our annual cheese and wine evening and her team was surreptitiously undermarked at our monthly quiz nights. Over time, these methods produced a clear improvement in Mrs Setherwick's behaviour. A change was especially felt after the death of her husband, at which point she no longer had a mixed doubles partner to hide behind. This shows that if the so-called professionals of the ATP tour stopped talking to Djokovic, he could become a reformed character. Do they listen? Despite repeated letters to the ATP player council, no they don't.