| - Wolves is a unit has been used by the Spetsnaz Guard Brigade in the game Endwar.
- Wolves are evil dogs that live in the woods. They are about the size of bears and hunt humans and anything that looks at them. Their arch enemies are the Peggle Masters.
- The Wolves that are seen in the world of Wolf's Rain are able to use illusions to give themselves a human appearance, enabling them to blend in with the human population of the world in order to escape detection by cloaking themselves to the perception of ordinary people. The wolves always retain their true nature, neither thinking nor acting as the humans in the world do.
- "Wolves" (en español llamado "Lobos") es un número musical escrito y compuesto por el compositor canadiense, Christophe Beck, para la película de animación de Disney de 2013, Frozen. Se reproduce durante la escena donde Anna, Kristoff, y Sven están siendo perseguidos por una manada de Lobos y continúa cuando el par tratan de defenderse y retirarse. Termina con Kristoff casi cayendo por un precipicio, sólo para ser salvado por la oportuna intervención de Anna y Sven. Categoría:Frozen Categoría:2013 Categoría:Música Instrumental
- The Wolves work for the Crimson King, and are responsible for bringing the children of the Calla back to Fedic so they can take the children's brain matter to feed to the Breakers, leaving the children roont. The final time the Wolves came was their last, and there are no more working ones left. However, in The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower when traveling through Fedic the ka-tet sees some non-functioning Wolves that have not been activated still in the base.
- Wolves are aggressive animals that hunt in packs. Although weak individually, a wolf pack can kill even the strongest man in minutes. Some goblins have proven capable of taming and riding wolves into battle. Unlike horses, wolves are easily capable of traveling through mountains.
- Wolves are a type of dog. They are considered friendly to Vampires. Darren becomes friends with a few on the way up to Vampire Mountain and they even saved his life from a rabid bear. Later, when Darren ends up getting washed away in the river, he meets the same wolves in a bigger pack. They let him join the pack to gain strength before they lead Darren up to Vampire Mountain again. Here, some fight off rogue Vampires and help fight the Vampaneze.
- Wolves, like dogs, are canines native to the wilderness and remote areas of Eurasia and North America.
- There are four main protagonists:
- are perhaps the most reclusive summons in the entire shinobi world, with only a very select few being able to summon them. They are widely feared for their jaw strength and tracking abilities which often exceed ninken. They reside exclusively at Gōzen Ridge.
- Wolves are found throughout Sacred Grove. Briarwood: The Corrupted Wolves are found in several encounters, and are a TCG Card. Vine Golems can also be related to this category of creature. Snowhill: Mostly Called 'Frostfang', these wolves have a snowy white coat, and can be encountered in Frostfang Caverns, and lone instances. Wilds: Other wolves can be found in Dungeons, roaming the wilds, and sometimes as pets!
- Wolves, or Okami, were commonly found in the forested hills and lonely mountain ranges of Rokugan. They roamed in packs of one to ten, with usually about one young cub for every adult. Their diet consisted of deer, hares and other game. In the coldest months they sustained themselves on mice and small rodents. Wolves were territorial, but shied away from humans and were afraid of fire. However, when enraged and desperate, wolves were known to had attacked humans. The most common tactic used by wolves when faced with a larger prey was harrying. The pack would surround and chase their prey, nipping at its heels until it succumbed from fatigue.
- When Drake and Tenzin are exploring the ice caves, a pack of wolves appear above them. While Drake seems worried, Tenzin is calm. Later on they find a pack of dead wolves that died of unknown causes. Later on the game Drake and Tenzin encounter a yeti and it is implied that that killed the wolves.
- The wolves appear in the episode One Good Scare Ought to Do It! They are a part of the haunted house that Phineas and Ferb build to help Isabella with her hiccups. The three wolves were one of the first horrors in the house. When Phineas and Isabella past them for the first time, they were gnawing on some bones. When both left the room the three wolves howled together. When Candace enters the house later the three wolves are escaping the collapsing mansion. It is unknown where they are now.
- Wolves are the most common NPC enemy you will encounter within any round, as they patrol the forest waiting to pick off unsuspecting men who wander alone. They do not attack within the day time unless approached, and can be distracted by meat, or chased off when outnumbered.
- When G.I. Joe Strike Team Two leader Flint orders Breaker to signal the fleet, he deduces that Breaker is actually an imposter: Zartan. Flint sends the rest of the team to engage Zartan in one on one combat, but Zartan's partner Soundwave easily captures Flint. Rather than eliminate the rest of Flint's team, Zartan and Soundwave retreat with Flint in their custody. Beachhead takes charge of the team and concludes that the best way to summon the fleet would be with the radio equipment of a nearby control tower.
- Wolves once had the largest natural range of any terrestrial mammal except man. Their original range in North America extended from Central Mexico north to Ellesmere Island. Currently, the only significant populations in North America are in Canada, Alaska, and northern Minnesota. Related topics are:
* Behavior
* Pelage
* Reproduction
* Physical
* Society
* Demographics Wolf.org, with excellent material on wolf biology and behavior] Wolfpark.org, an organization that adopts orphaned wolves, with interesting anecdotes]
- hello,if you want to learn about the alaska wolves read this : Image:Wolf standing in snow.jpg There were numerous wolf encounters in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and Anchorage during November and December 2007. Wolves were reported to be attacking and preying on pet dogs and sled dogs in the Fairbanks area. Wolves live throughout Alaska, however they are not commonly seen in residential areas. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, 12-13-07, Living with wolves may be cool, but it also can be cruel Tim Mowry, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, 12-12-07, Attacks evoke memories of canine carnage 30 years ago
- Wolves are basically best in close combat, yet can be used to get away from gunfire in the mass amount of speed they provide and a health boost. They can climb on walls and regenerate their bonus hp by roaring. Commonly called hackers due to their air strike which can kill a human with one swipe and the people who get frustrated because they killstreak just got broken yell hacker to try to get revenge. Basically to some people wolfs should be taken out but this is why they have different game setups. Wolfs have 4 basic commands Jump, Wall run, Roar, Sky slash. To use roar just hit the r key, unless you input something different. Wall run is basically jump towards a wall. Jump is space bar unless said otherwise in your controls. Sky slash is when in mid air right click or designated otherwi
- This has led to many critics who say that the Wolves are little more than sociopaths and thugs who enjoy killing. However, this criticism is both unfair and untrue, as the men and women who make up this group have just seen so much conflict and war that what is considered inhuman to others no longer fazes them. Also, considering them just "thugs" would be a fatal mistake as they are among the most skilled and experienced soldiers in the world.
- Wolves are big canines with an impressive set of sharp teeth. They usually avoid humans, but wary should be the adventurer that enters their territory, for the wolves won't forgive this transgression, and always attack in packs. They can be found in the forests of Britannia and Serpent Isle. It appears that they once existed in Pagan, but they have now disappeared from there. Timber wolves, a more rugged subspecies with lighter grey fur, appeared in northern regions of Serpent Isle in Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle.