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- In some expedition locations in Klondike, you can turn the location into a settlement once you have completed all the quests from that area. In Klondike, you can only have 15 "active" locations (expedition locations that you have explored). If you are at the limit of 15, you can only explore further locations by turning one (or more) of your old locations into a settlement. Klondike introduced the Settlement option to the game in;
* Facebook:October 27 2014
* Plinga/Yahoo: April 23rd 2015.
- In Regnum Online settlements are permanent communities, populated in this case by NPCs. There are three kinds depending on their size and the population living there.
- Settlements are the name of the newly constructed towns under the control of the newly reformed Coalition of Ordered Governments. Built in just mere weeks by a massive automated labor force called DeeBees, Settlements included habitation districts, eateries, shopping districts, at least one hospital and a large central control tower which stored the settlement's Fabricator and its entire population of DeeBees. Settlements were also protected by Windwalls, securing them against Windflares.
- Settlements are a large aid in mining expeditions. The more settlements the player governs or joins, in addition to the more the player's alliance governs, the higher chance of finding jackpots in ruins and the more value you can obtain for sold minerals, scattered around the world map.If the player finds a settlement, the player may either: Scout, Attack, or Join. If the player attacks the settlement successfully, he will then govern the settlement. When a player governs a settlement, it is highlighted on the players radar. The defense of the settlement depends on the defense of it's governor. For example, if the owner has a defense level of 5, all the settlements he governs will have a level 5 defense. If the owner upgrades the defense level to 6, all the settlements the player governs w
- If the player finds a settlement, the player may either: Scout, Attack, or Join. If the player attacks the settlement successfully, they will then govern the settlement. The defense of the settlement depends on the defense of the governor. For example, if the owner has level 5 defense, all the settlements they govern will have level 5 defense. If the owner upgrades to level 6 defense then, all the settlements they govern will then have level 6 defense. The Security level of the governor also applies to all of the settlements.
- Vanguard's world of Telon contains numerous settlements of varying size. The largest of these are the Cities, major hubs of activity. Smaller settlements lie scattered around the landscape of Telon, and the distinction between Cities and Towns is sometimes arbitrary. Virtually all contain merchants, vendors, and quest NPCs, and some contain crafting centers as well. Some are mere outposts, with a few questgivers and a merchant or two. Some racial capitals qualify as major cities, while others are only considered towns, although they contain many of the same amenities.
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- In some expedition locations in Klondike, you can turn the location into a settlement once you have completed all the quests from that area. In Klondike, you can only have 15 "active" locations (expedition locations that you have explored). If you are at the limit of 15, you can only explore further locations by turning one (or more) of your old locations into a settlement. Klondike introduced the Settlement option to the game in;
* Facebook:October 27 2014
* Plinga/Yahoo: April 23rd 2015.
- Vanguard's world of Telon contains numerous settlements of varying size. The largest of these are the Cities, major hubs of activity. Smaller settlements lie scattered around the landscape of Telon, and the distinction between Cities and Towns is sometimes arbitrary. Virtually all contain merchants, vendors, and quest NPCs, and some contain crafting centers as well. Some are mere outposts, with a few questgivers and a merchant or two. Some racial capitals qualify as major cities, while others are only considered towns, although they contain many of the same amenities. Each of the races of Telon has one city to call its capital; some capitals are home to multiple races. racial quests and the vendors for city faction items can be found at these locations.
- In Regnum Online settlements are permanent communities, populated in this case by NPCs. There are three kinds depending on their size and the population living there.
- Settlements are the name of the newly constructed towns under the control of the newly reformed Coalition of Ordered Governments. Built in just mere weeks by a massive automated labor force called DeeBees, Settlements included habitation districts, eateries, shopping districts, at least one hospital and a large central control tower which stored the settlement's Fabricator and its entire population of DeeBees. Settlements were also protected by Windwalls, securing them against Windflares. Settlements are constructed from the inside out in a circular pattern (seemingly for the easier deployment of the Windwalls), and policed by repurposed DeeBee units. Settlements were often targeted for raiding by the Outsiders faction in order to obtain otherwise unobtainable resources for their own villages.
- Settlements are a large aid in mining expeditions. The more settlements the player governs or joins, in addition to the more the player's alliance governs, the higher chance of finding jackpots in ruins and the more value you can obtain for sold minerals, scattered around the world map.If the player finds a settlement, the player may either: Scout, Attack, or Join. If the player attacks the settlement successfully, he will then govern the settlement. When a player governs a settlement, it is highlighted on the players radar. The defense of the settlement depends on the defense of it's governor. For example, if the owner has a defense level of 5, all the settlements he governs will have a level 5 defense. If the owner upgrades the defense level to 6, all the settlements the player governs will have a level 6 defense. The security level of the governor also applies to all of the settlements.If the player finds an unowned settlement, he may take it over, and will then govern that settlement until a fellow player manages to take over the settlement. The outer regions on Mars offer the best chance for finding unowned settlements from players who have cashed out. Settlements in these regions are also less likely to be reclaimed by other players.The chance to find a jackpot has a limit of 150 "points." This modifier is calculated from the number of settlements that a player governs, joins, or that are governed by an alliance member. One governed settlement counts as 1 point. Every settlement the player's alliance owns is 1/25 of a point. For every settlement the player joins is 1/10 of a point. It is unknown if this is true, though.Minerals sold at a settlement governed by the settler greatly increases the base price of the minerals.
- If the player finds a settlement, the player may either: Scout, Attack, or Join. If the player attacks the settlement successfully, they will then govern the settlement. The defense of the settlement depends on the defense of the governor. For example, if the owner has level 5 defense, all the settlements they govern will have level 5 defense. If the owner upgrades to level 6 defense then, all the settlements they govern will then have level 6 defense. The Security level of the governor also applies to all of the settlements. If the player finds an unsettled settlement, they may take it over, and they will then govern that settlement until a fellow player manages to take over the settlement. The chance to find a mother load has a limit of 150 "points". This modifier is calculated from the number of settlements that you govern, join, or are governed by an alliance member. One governed settlement counts as 1 point. For every settlement your alliance owns is 1/25 a point. For every settlement you join is 1/10 a point. It is unknown if this is true, though.