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The Last Command Sourcebook is a hardcover supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Eric Trautmann and first published in March 1994. The material covered in it includes characters, locations, starships and much more that appeared in the final volume of Timothy Zahn's series.

  • The Last Command Sourcebook
  • The Last Command Sourcebook
  • The Last Command Sourcebook
  • The Last Command Sourcebook is a hardcover supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Eric Trautmann and first published in March 1994. The material covered in it includes characters, locations, starships and much more that appeared in the final volume of Timothy Zahn's series.
  • The Last Command Sourcebook, to podręcznik do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40059). Podręcznik wydano w 1994 roku i jego autorem jest Eric Trautmann.
  • *Bantha *Clawbird *Garral *Graaa'shad *Gundark *Mantessan panthac *Mynock *Vine snake *Vornskr *Ysalamir
Publish Date
  • *Gial Ackbar *Akh'laht *Wedge Antilles *Balig *Garm Bel Iblis *Billey *Brasck *Jak Bremen *Jak Bremen's daughter *Jak Bremen's wife *Kallin Bremen *Jorus C'baoth *Joruus C'baoth *Cakhmaim *Lando Calrissian *Winter Celchu *Gola Chall *Chewbacca *Clyngunn *Freja Covell *Airen Cracken *Pash Cracken *Shada D'ukal *Biggs Darklighter *Garv Debble *Bren Derlin *Galen Derlin *Gol dosLa *Tol dosLla *Dravis *Hiram Drayson *Theol Drost *Kylan DuPre *Ekhrikhor *Ellor *Shirlee Faughn *Fein *Niles Ferrier *Borsk Fey'lya *Fingal *Luthos Garral *Zakarisz Ghent *Samuel Tomas Gillespee *Gingal *Griv *Groggin *Guardian of Mount Tantiss *Gunner Groth *Diblen Harleys *Diblen Harleys's father *Diblen Harleys's mother *Molo Himron *Mara Jade *Wes Janson *Talon Karrde *Machel Kendy *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Khabarakh *Derek Klivian *Reynol Kosk *Gibbon Lightmoon *Lishma *Mazzic *Rejlii Mithel *Mitth'raw'nuruodo *Mobvekhar *Mon Mothma *Voren Na'al *Nien Nunb *Ovkhevam *Bail Prestor Organa *Palpatine *Gilad Pellaeon *Rappapor *Carlist Rieekan *Rukh *Kleyn Selid *Sesfan *Motto Shemson *Luke Skywalker *Luuke Skywalker *Han Solo *Leia Organa Solo *Jacen Solo *Jaina Solo *Raccyx Staffa *Stalpaac *Sian Tevv *Jabba Desilijic Tiure *Unidentified Moff (Morshdine sector) *Unidentified Star Destroyer Commander *Urothko *Garrbo V'Droz *Garrbo V'Droz's brother *Darth Vader *Varth *Maximilian Veers *Milanda Vorgan *Whistler (Ortolan) *Yoda
  • *AA-1 VerboBrain *Acoustic signaller *Agri-kit *Arc welder *Artillery *Bacta tank *Blast door *Blast helmet *Blast vest *Blaster **Blaster cannon **Blaster pistol **Blaster rifle **Heavy blaster pistol ***DL-44 heavy blaster pistol **Hold-out blaster **Sporting blaster *Blaster power pack *Bowcaster *Broadband antenna *Cargo shunt *Circular saw *Cloaking device *Comlink *Compressed air launcher *Computer **Model 608 Mega'puter *Concussion missile launcher *Conner net **Type I Restraining Net *Crossbow *Crystal gravfield trap *Cybernetics *Datapad *Deflector shield generator *Delta Source *Droid tool kit *E-Web heavy repeating blaster **E-Web(15) Heavy Repeating Blaster *Electronic lock breaker **OutlawTech lock breaker *Fire extinguisher *Flight computer *Flight suit *Fortress-7 electronic deadbolt system *Gk3 Cryocooler *Gk7 Cryocooler *Glowrod *Grasper arm *Grenade *Hologram *HoloNet *Holoprojector *Holo-tank *Hyperdrive **Backup hyperdrive *I/O jack *Ion cannon *Ion sling *Jammer **ComTech Eavesdrop Protection Unit *Knife *Laser cannon *Lightsaber **Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber *Macrobinoculars **Model TT4 Holorecording Macrobinoculars *Medpac *Missile **Gravity-Activated Mode guided missile **Savant missile *Navigation computer *Planetary shield *PLX-4 Missile Launcher *Power chair *Power generator *Proton torpedo launcher *Quad laser cannon *Repulsorlift *Rocket *Sensor **Audio sensor **Electromagnetic field receptor **Heat detector **Infrared receptor **Lifeform scanner **Motion sensor **Photoreceptor **Radar **Radiation sensor **Video sensor *Sensor beacon *Separator charge *Sleeper pod *Slugthrower *Spaarti cloning cylinder *Starship tool kit *Thermal detonator *Trac-reflective *Tractor beam *Tractor beam projector *TranLang III communication module *Turbolaser *Vibro-shears *Vibroknife *Vocabulator *Wheelchair
  • *Clone Wars *Fifth Alderaanian Expedition *Galactic Civil War **Attack on Milvayne **Destruction of Alderaan **Battle of Endor **Battle of Hoth **Battle of Xyquine II **Battle of Yavin **Duel on Cloud City **Evacuation of Nentan **Liberation of Coruscant (Galactic Civil War) **Occupation of Bespin **Rescue of Han Solo *Core Campaign *Stratis Games **Multi-Sentient Unarmed Combat Rounds *Thrawn campaign **Ambush on Trogan **Assault on Mount Tantiss **Battle at Ukio **Battle for the Katana fleet **Battle of Bilbringi (9 ABY) **Battle of Filve **Battle of Ord Pardron **Battle of Sluis Van **Raid on Bilbringi **Raid on Tangrene **Fall of Generis **Siege of Coruscant **Siege of Svivren *Wayland colonial war
  • Aptitude Test
  • Chewbacca and the Life-Debt
  • Delta Source
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn and his renewed Empire have pushed the New Republic to the brink of collapse. Using legions of cloned sol- diers and the recovered Katana fleet, the Empire has invaded and occupied countless Republic worlds. The Republic, shaken by this new offensive, must hold off the Empire's advances. Jedi Luke Skywalker has ventured into the heart of Imperial space in an effort to find the source of the Empire's clones, while Princess Leia Organa Solo, Han Solo and Mon Mothma struggle to hold the New Republic govern- ment together. The final battle has just begun ...
  • Hardcover
  • *A-wing Slash *An Analysis of Crisis *Armudu spice *Asteroid *Atmosphere *Baradium *Carababba tabac *Choobies *Ch'hala tree *Chime-painting **Idyll *Cigarra *Cloning *Covert Shroud Maneuver *Cracken Twist *Credit voucher *Dancer-sculp *Datamanual *Death Star plans *Duinarbulon Stones *Duraplast *File 1876389234/D *Flatsculp *Foodstuff *Galactic Credit Standard *Gemstone *Glareshades *Grain *Gravity *Hfredium *Hiridiu crystal *Hive virus *Hyperspace *Imperial standard meter *Imperial Tractor Beam Primer *Jedi training *K'thri *Kilogram *Kilometer *Life debt *Light year *Lightspeed *Liquor *Local day *Locate and Detain List *Mal'ary'ush *Metric ton *Mon Calamari Nerveshock *Mount Tantiss project *Neurotoxin *Nova ruby *Ordnance/Regional Depot *Outbound Flight Project *Parsec *Radiation *Rethen *Sabacc *Screen formation *Slavery *Spice **Gy'lan *Spinetree *Spirepine *Standard hour *Standard month *Standard week *The Force **Dark side of the Force **Force power ***Force scream ***Control ****Accelerate Healing ****Concentration ****Control Pain ****Detoxify Poison ****Emptiness ****Enhance Attribute ****Hibernation trance ****Reduce Injury ****Remain Conscious ****Resist Stun ****Short-term memory enhancement ****Tutaminis ***Sense ****Force sight ****Life Detection ****Life Sense ****Magnify Senses ****Precognition ****Receptive Telepathy ****Sense Force ***Alter ****Injure/Kill ****Telekinesis ***Control and Sense ****Farsight ****Lightsaber combat ****Projective Telepathy ***Control and Alter ****Control Another's Pain ****Force lightning ****Inflict Pain ***Control, Sense, and Alter ****Mind trick ****Qâzoi Kyantuska ****Battle meditation ***Sense and Alter ****Dim Other's Senses **Light Side of the Force *The galaxy *The Official Biography of The New Republic Provisional Council *Tibanna *Transparisteel *Vaathkree trade language *Vnal *Voren Na'al's journal *Wine **Chav wine **Dolomar spice wine *X'Cal *Zenji needle
  • *AB-1 "floatcoach" *Cloud car **Talon I combat cloud car *Death Star **DS-1 Orbital Battle Station **Death Star II *Dedicated Siege Platform *Golan space defense platform **Golan Space Defense SpaceGun **Golan II Space Defense SpaceGun **Golan III Space Defense NovaGun *Landspeeder *Repulsor scout *Speeder truck **Cargo Master Z-12 Speeder Truck *Starfighter **BTL Y-wing starfighter **Preybird-class starfighter ***Raptor ***Skyclaw **RZ-1 A-wing interceptor **TIE/LN starfighter **X-wing starfighter *Starship **Assault shuttle ***Beta-class assault shuttle ***Gamma-class assault shuttle **Avenger II **CR90 corvette ***Stormstrike **Carrack-class light cruiser **Colony ship **Cruiser *** ***Starveil **Draklor **Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser **Freighter ***Barloz-class medium freighter ****Lady Sunfire ***Class 720 freighter ***Kern's Pride ***YT-1300 light freighter ****Millennium Falcon **GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat **Immobilizer 418 cruiser ***Rampart **Revenant **Shieldship **Shuttle ***Lambda-class T-4a shuttle **Star Destroyer ***Imperial-class Star Destroyer ****Chimaera ****Unidentified Star Destroyer ***Victory-class Star Destroyer ****Exsanguinator **Talon **Torpedo Sphere **Transport **Troop transport **Wild Karrde **Yacht ***Starwind-class pleasure yacht ****Distant Rainbow *Walker **All Terrain Armored Transport
  • *Barabel *Berchestian *Bimm *Bith *Bothan *Brubb *Charon *Duros *Ewok *Farghul *Farnican *Filvian *Gotal *Ho'Din *Human **Alderaanian **Corellian *Hutt *Mon Calamari *Mriss *Myneyrsh *Near-Human *Noghri *Ortolan *Psadan *Rodian *Sarkan *Sullustan *Svivreni *Tangrene (species) *Tusken Raider *Ugnaught *Ukian *Vaathkree (species) *Wind Dancer *Wookiee *Woostoid *Xa Fel (species) *Yaga **Yaga drone *ZeHethbra
  • hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070926.html
  • hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070817.html
  • hyperspace/member/sourcearchive/news20070928.html
book title
  • The Last Command Sourcebook
  • *Admiral *Alliance to Restore the Republic **Alliance Special Operations ***Special Ops Team **Chief of State (Alliance) **Cracken Flight Group **Procurement and Supply *Ambassador *Aratech Repulsor Company *Archaeologist *Architect *Artisan *Assassin *Berchestian Civil Service *Berchestian Council *BlasTech Industries *Bounty hunter *Bureaucrat *Captain *Clan Baikh'vair *Clan Bakh'tor *Clan Eikh'mir *Clan Khim'bar *Colonel *Commander *Commando *Con artist *Conner Ship Systems *Constable *Corellian Engineering Corporation *Corporate Sector Authority *Councillor *Cybot Galactica *Dark Jedi *Dark Lord of the Sith *Diplomat *Director *Duinarbulon Star Lancers *Dynast *Eksoan *Engineer *Ensign *Fabritech *Farmer *Galactic Empire **Commission for the Preservation of the New Order ***Imperial Security Bureau **Emperor's Hand **Galactic Emperor **Imperial Academy **Imperial Army **Imperial Customs **Imperial Intelligence ***Imperial Intelligence team **Imperial Engineering Corps **Imperial Naval Academy **Imperial Navy ***Scimitar assault wing **Imperial Senate **Imperial Survey Corps **New Order **Noghri Death Commando **Stormtrooper ***Radiation zone assault trooper ***Zero-G assault stormtrooper **Ubiqtorate **Vensenor Flight Academy *Galactic Republic *Gambler *Garm Bel Iblis's movement *General *Ghtroc Industries *Golan Arms *Governor *Grand Admiral *Grand Master (K'thri) *Gunner *Heroes of Yavin *High Court of Alderaan *Historian *Horticulturist *Imperial HoloVision *Imperial Munitions *Industrial Automaton *Jedi *Jedi Knight *Jedi Master *Katana fleet *Kuat Drive Yards *Lieutenant *Major *Major General *Mistryl Shadow Guard *Lord *Mercenary *Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. *MicroThrust Processors *Miner *Mineralogist *Moff *Mrisst Trade and Science Academy *Neuro-Saav Corporation *New Republic **Atrivis Communications Group **Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services **Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic ***Admiralty ***New Republic Communication Group ****3rd Platoon ***Ord Mantell Fighter Wing **New Republic Council Research **New Republic Intelligence Service **New Republic Provisional Council ***Chief Councilor **New Republic Xenoarchaeology Division **Palace Security ***Director of Security **New Republic War College **Rogue Squadron *Noghri Overclan *OutlawTech *Overliege *Pilot *Pirate *Prince *Privateer *Quartermaster *Scholar *Scientist *Sculptor *Security officer *Sektor 242 NewsLine *Senator *Sienar Fleet Systems *Slaver *Slicer *Smuggler *Soldier *SoroSuub Corporation *Spacer *Svivreni resistance *Svivreni Trade Alliance *Swoop gang *Technician *Telgorn Corporation *Thief *TriNebulon News *Trogan Planetary Tourism Board *True Gunner *Ubrikkian Transports *Ukian Defense Service *Ukian Farming Bureau *Vaathkree Council *Wastestream Systems *Watch Commander *Wing Commander
  • *Droid **Astromech droid ***R2-series astromech droid ****R2-D2 **Hound-W2 SPD **Labor droid **Maintenance droid ***MN-2E general maintenance droid ***SPD-R4 spider droid **Probe droid **Protocol droid ***3PO-series protocol droid ****C-3PO **T7-series droid
  • *Abrion sector **Ukio *Alderaan *Anthos sector **Berchest ***Calius saj Leeloo ****Sanctum Arcti ***Leefari Sea ***Terhaari *Baros *Bespin system **Bespin ***Cloud City ****Smelting Core D ***Life Zone *Bilbringi system **Bilbringi Shipyards **Bilbringi VII *Borderland Regions *Breta Yaga *Chandrila *Chazwa system **Chazwa *Contruum *Corellian Trade Spine *Corporate Sector *Coruscant **Galactic City ***Imperial Palace ****Grand Corridor **Imperial Data Vault *Crondre *Dagobah *Deep Core *Dolomar **L'tiri Peaks ***Diflu *Dulfilvian system **Filve *Duro *Endor *Farrfin system **Farrfin ***Farlhu ***Geltyu ***Jahhnu *Galloa II *GaTir system **Mrisst *Gavryn *Goshyn Detention Center *Gyrica system **Milvayne *Hallrin IV *Hijarna **Fortress of Hijarna *Honoghr **Clean Lands ***Nystao **Future of Honoghr *Hoth system **Hoth ***Echo Base *Jomark *Kanchen sector **Xa Fel *Kashyyyk *Kessel *Kessel Run *Mantessa *Moltok *Myrkr *Nentan *Nkllon **Nomad City *Ord Mantell **Worlport *Ord Pardron **Ord Pardron sector defense outpost *Ord Trasi **Ord Trasi shipyards *Outer Rim Territories **Atrivis sector ***Generis system ****Generis *****Outer Rim Communications Center **Coveway **Shiffrin *Peregrine's Nest *Poderis *Qat Chrystac *Rishi *Sarka **Salyrini *Stars' End *Sluis Van **Sluis Van Shipyards *Sullust *Svivren *Tangrene *Tiisheraan *Trogan **Whistler's Whirlpool Tapcafe *Unknown Regions *Vaathkree *Wayland **Mount Tantiss *Wild Space *Woostri **Gopsthal **Woostri HoloScan Database *Xyquine system **Xyquine II ***Xyquine base *Yaga Minor
  • 874311977(xsd:integer)
  • The Last Command Sourcebook is a hardcover supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. It was written by Eric Trautmann and first published in March 1994. The material covered in it includes characters, locations, starships and much more that appeared in the final volume of Timothy Zahn's series.
  • The Last Command Sourcebook, to podręcznik do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40059). Podręcznik wydano w 1994 roku i jego autorem jest Eric Trautmann.
is Published in of
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