After the events of a night attack, the Joe Team go after the escaping Cobras.
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| - Loose Ends
- Loose Ends
- Loose ends
- Loose Ends
| - After the events of a night attack, the Joe Team go after the escaping Cobras.
- Loose Ends on tehtävä pelissä Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.Tehtävän antaa Mr.Black yleisöpuhelimen välityksellä lähellä Cherry Poppers -jäätelötehdasta. Loose Ends on viimeinen "yleisöpuhelintehtävä". Sen avautumiseen tarvitaan Malibu Clubin omistaminen.
- A number of story elements and character development issues were raised over the course of Dollhouse's 26-episode run. Most, but not all, had been resolved by the end of "Epitaph Two: Return". This page lists those plot points which went unresolved.
- Loose Ends is a timeless fanfiction based on canon characters in Bully written by SodaCat.
- Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA Vice City[[Категория:Миссии (Мистер Блэк)]] «Loose Ends» — последняя миссия Мистера Блэка, выдаваемая по таксофону у Фабрики Мороженого «Черри Поппер».
- Loose Ends is a Knuckles the Echidna complete story and is the first Knuckles adventure since The Final Victory. The strip appeared in Issue 101 and directly followed on from the previous issue's events.
- Loose Ends is an Act 1 secondary quest received from either Meeran or Athenril in Dragon Age II.
- Such Sweet Sorrow is the 21st episode of the 6th season of "E.R."
- "Loose Ends" is the fifteenth mission of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This is the last level the player where plays as Gary "Roach" Sanderson, and also the last level the player sees Ghost alive. This level has become infamous amongst fans, as it sees the death of two key protagonists in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, while also showing how General Shepherd betrayed his allies.
- Loose Ends is the twelfth and last contract for the Russian Mafia. It takes place in the Northern Province of North Korea during the fourth and last quarter of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction.
- Do things left alone and clues never found change over time, or are they simply as static as ends never tied? Everything Changes Check also: Primes mentioned in 2014 puzzle
- Loose Ends is the final job in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by Mr. Black from a public phone booth near the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory in Little Havana, Vice City.
- Mackenzie Calhoun, working undercover for Admiral Alynna Nechayev, boards a Romulan warbird to destroy a Federation cloaking device.
- Loose Ends is a Hot Pursuit event featured in Need for Speed: Rivals, and is unlocked at rank 20 in the RCPD career. It has a hard difficulty rating.
- This page compiles some (hopefully most) of the loose ends of the game. There was a related thread in the now gone new forum, but the threads on old are still available.
- Loose Ends is a challenge in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.
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| - Did...did Overlord say something about Unicron being rebuilt? Huh, better check that out.
| - *When Chameleon was introduced in the Real American Hero Collection, her origin was based on this issue.
Issue Title
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comic issue
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| - *Major Bludd shoots bullets out of the tip of the rocket in his hand-held rocket launcher. Stalker calls the weapon a "hand cannon". On the cover of the issue, his weapon is drawn with a gun barrel.
*Short-Fuze has rather dramatically changed appearance - he's got about the same build as most Joes in previous appearances, but here he looks like a linebacker, and also has an extremely large, remarkably square head.
| - *First appearance: F.A.N.G.
*The extent of the Baroness' injuries are revealed.
*The gamblers comment that Snake-Eyes is laughing.
*Grand Slam puts in a rare appearance. He would seem to be left-handed, judging from the beatdown he delivers to Major Bludd on page 15.
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| - After the events of a night attack, the Joe Team go after the escaping Cobras.
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| - Забрать чемодан со сделки и отвезти его на вертолётную площадку в международном аэропорту имени Эскобара
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| - Смерть Томми Версетти, Томми арестован.
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gold reward
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