| - Mistress Broomhead was born Wilhelmina Wormwood, and attended a witches' school in her childhood, along with Amelia Cackle. She terrorized the other students, turned teachers into snakes and lizards, and when she was caught she tried to freeze the whole school into ice until she was expelled. Wormwood apparently gave the excuse that "a bat bit her when she was young". After being expelled, she changed her name to Hecketty Broomhead, and became a tutor at the Witch Training College, where she was Miss Hardbroom’s personal tutor; she taught Miss Hardbroom "Everything she knows" (including how to appear from thin air). Miss Hardbroom encounters Mistress Broomhead twice at Cackle's, first as a Witches' Guild inspector, and then as acting Headmistress. Broomhead rose through The Witches’ Guild, becoming an OFWITCH inspector, during which she visits Cackle’s to carry out an OFWITCH inspection. After announcing her intention to close Cackles Academy by cutting off their GAS (Guild Approved Status), Sybil Hallow turns her back into a child using "a spell to turn bullying adults back into their younger selves". Miss Cackle then recognises Broomhead as a girl she went to Witch Academy with, and that her real name is Wilhelmina Wormwood. Miss Cackle: “you’re not Mistress Broomhead, you’re Wilhelmina Wormwood, you terrorized the other students, turned teachers into snakes and lizards, and when you were caught you tried to freeze the whole school into ice until you were expelled. All because you were bitten by a bat when you were young-that was your excuse anyway.” Miss Cackle promises to turn her back into Hecate Broomhead as long as she agrees that Cackle's Academy has passed the inspection. Mistress Broomhead returns to the Academy the following year, to stand in for Miss Cackle as Acting Headmistress while Cackle is away visiting her sick aunt. Broomhead is a stickler for saving time, and orders large clocks to be put up around the school. She also makes Mildred wear an electronic tagging device so she can monitor where she is at all times. The others go and complain to Miss Crotchet and Miss Drill, but, even though they loathe Broomhead, there's nothing they can do about it. In class Miss Hardbroom passes them out a time sheet to record their productivity, and a time card (the kind you punch in a machine). The point is to figure out who's habitually late for class. Mildred overhears Mr Hallow planning to give Miss Cackle early retirement and make Mistress Broomhead the permanent Headmistress. This does not happen thanks to Miss Hardbroom, who contacts Miss Cackle and persuades her to come back.