| - Hal is petrified of girls, so he asks his friend Lenny how he meets so many nice chicks. Lenny says, "I have a surefire method to feel them out. I go up behind a girl and whisper, ´Tickle your ass with a feather?´ And when she turns around and asks what I said, I say, Typical nasty weather.´ If she smiles or laughs, I know she has a sense of humor, we chat, and it all happens naturally. Try it." She turns around and says, "WHAT!?" He says, "It´s freaking pouring outside."
| - Hal is petrified of girls, so he asks his friend Lenny how he meets so many nice chicks. Lenny says, "I have a surefire method to feel them out. I go up behind a girl and whisper, ´Tickle your ass with a feather?´ And when she turns around and asks what I said, I say, Typical nasty weather.´ If she smiles or laughs, I know she has a sense of humor, we chat, and it all happens naturally. Try it." The next night, nervous but desperate, Hal goes to a very crowded bar, and sits in the corner, stewing, nursing a drink, getting more uptight every second. Finally, he walks up behind the nicest girl in the place, and after a few minutes of stammering, blurts out so everybody can hear, "Stick my finger in your ass?" She turns around and says, "WHAT!?" He says, "It´s freaking pouring outside."