The Burning Bear Inn, once known as the Dancing Bear Inn, takes its' name from a part of its' history. Although the tavern has stood in Frostkeep for almost as long as the town has been standing, the name comes from a point where the innkeeper took a trip south and returned to find the place ablaze. After reconstruction, the name has stood as a memory. The place is owned and run by Sara Krown, daughter of the general store owner, Rick Krown. While the tavern does not regularly feature shows and special events such as the Three Dragons Inn of Tarloc, it is still the most focal point for socialising with other adventurers and the townsfolk alike.
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| - The Burning Bear Inn, once known as the Dancing Bear Inn, takes its' name from a part of its' history. Although the tavern has stood in Frostkeep for almost as long as the town has been standing, the name comes from a point where the innkeeper took a trip south and returned to find the place ablaze. After reconstruction, the name has stood as a memory. The place is owned and run by Sara Krown, daughter of the general store owner, Rick Krown. While the tavern does not regularly feature shows and special events such as the Three Dragons Inn of Tarloc, it is still the most focal point for socialising with other adventurers and the townsfolk alike.
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| - Depends on how cold it is outside
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| - The Burning Bear Inn, once known as the Dancing Bear Inn, takes its' name from a part of its' history. Although the tavern has stood in Frostkeep for almost as long as the town has been standing, the name comes from a point where the innkeeper took a trip south and returned to find the place ablaze. After reconstruction, the name has stood as a memory. The place is owned and run by Sara Krown, daughter of the general store owner, Rick Krown. While the tavern does not regularly feature shows and special events such as the Three Dragons Inn of Tarloc, it is still the most focal point for socialising with other adventurers and the townsfolk alike.