| - JUST-HISS sees himself as the power behind the throne in the Evil, Inc. organizational structure. Preferring to be kingmaker than king, Just-Hiss seeks to manipulate the Evils without drawing undue attention to himself. As Evil counselor, Just-Hiss offers advice on military matters and defends Evil employees accused of treachery or incompetence. Slick, oily, and very, very smart, Just-Hiss is extremely good at his chosen profession. He uses favors owed him to advance his own agenda. In cobra mode, he has a paralyzing hypnotic stare, spits poison, and can crush enemies in his vice-like grip. In robot mode, he can usually forestall foes with the power of his voice alone, but, should that fail him, he carries a laser sidearm and a razor-sharp dagger, perfect for stabbing his enemies (or allie
| - JUST-HISS sees himself as the power behind the throne in the Evil, Inc. organizational structure. Preferring to be kingmaker than king, Just-Hiss seeks to manipulate the Evils without drawing undue attention to himself. As Evil counselor, Just-Hiss offers advice on military matters and defends Evil employees accused of treachery or incompetence. Slick, oily, and very, very smart, Just-Hiss is extremely good at his chosen profession. He uses favors owed him to advance his own agenda. In cobra mode, he has a paralyzing hypnotic stare, spits poison, and can crush enemies in his vice-like grip. In robot mode, he can usually forestall foes with the power of his voice alone, but, should that fail him, he carries a laser sidearm and a razor-sharp dagger, perfect for stabbing his enemies (or allies) in the back. As a cobracycle, Just-Hiss is capable of rapid travel over harsh terrain. Relatively weak otherwise, he's been known to be a sniveling coward when met with superior force. His loyalties lie with himself first and the rest of Evil, Inc. second. Although generally despised by his fellow employees, most are afraid to get on his bad side, lest they need his services sometime in the future.