| - A lone figure makes his journey across the wastes surrounding Robotropolis, having journeyed from the other side of Mobius. He continues walking, through night and day, driven by hatred and the desire for revenge. Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman is outraged over the disappearance of the Sword of Acorns. However, Eggman quickly realizes that Sonic doesn't know the sword is gone and he can use this situation to his advantage. Meanwhile, in the Forbidden Zone, Sonic hides while he watches a group of Overlanders exit the two spaceships that crash landed outside Robotropolis. Lady Agnes asks their leader, "Lord Kintobor", if this was their intended destination. Kintobor asks his colleague, Cheddermund, to tell them where they are. The Overlander explains that they have landed outside of the largest urban center on the planet just as a young girl, Hope, spots Sonic and is frightened by him. The Overlanders react hostilely, with Lord Kintobor preparing to fight Sonic, when a broken ComBot grabs Lady Agnes. Sonic destroys the Com-Bot, saving Agnes, who is stunned. Mina Mongoose and Rotor arrive in Knothole, where Geoffrey St. John explains that someone has stolen the Sword of Acorns. Despite Mina's attempts to stop Rotor from talking, Geoffrey realizes what's going on and demands an explanation. Meanwhile, Eggman notices that Colin Kintobor is the leader of the Overlanders who landed outside Robotropolis. He decides that he will roboticize his counterpart's brother, as well as all of the other Overlanders. Sonic tries to explain the situation to the Overlanders, but Eggman projects a hologram of himself outside the city and tells them that Robotropolis will serve as a safe hiding place from the Mobians. Suddenly, Monkey Khan appears, ready to fight Eggman. "The Wrath of Khan" - Chapter Two Khan attacks Eggman's hologram, causing the Overlanders to panic. Meanwhile, in Knothole, Geoffrey futilely tries to interrogate Mina. Hershey asks him to step aside, promising Mina that Sonic will not be punished if she cooperates. Not long after, Mina confesses that Sonic stole the sword. Geoffrey is so happy he tells Hershey he could kiss her; Hershey just wonders why he doesn't. As the Overlanders rush for Robotropolis, Khan prepares to attack the city. Sonic intercepts him, trying to calm him down so the Overlanders will stop panicking. They begin to fight and Sonic asks what Khan's problem is. Khan explains that Eggman destroyed Kar Leung and roboticized everyone he cares about. Sonic argues that Khan shouldn't take it out on the innocent Overlanders, but he retorts that his village was also innocent. Tails meets up with Rotor while Sally talks with her mother about her life since they were separated. Sally fills her in on everything that happened, explaining how she relied on her friends when she had no family, and surprises the queen by telling her that she was in charge of the remnants of the kingdom while her father was gone. Back in the Badlands, Sonic rushes towards Robotropolis but is stopped by the city's force field. Khan flies off, frustrated that he can't attack Eggman. With the Overlanders willing prisoners and Khan gone, Sonic screams after the rogue monkey in anger.