Bellicus es una personalidad de Alien X, que hace su debut en el episodio X = Ben + 2 de la serie Ben 10: Fuerza Alienígena.
Bellicus es una de las voces internas de Alien X.
E' una delle 3 personalità di Alienics, quello della rabbia e della giustizia. 1.
* E' molto severo. 2.
* Non ha differenza per lui se prima era un eroe e ora un criminale. 3.
* Non si commuove mai. 4.
* E' più rigido di Serena. 5.
* Non si fa corrompere.
Bellicus is the Corruptor henchman available in Guild Halls.
Bellicus is Alien X's voice of rage and aggression.
Bellicus was the brutal head guard who worked for Menas Maxius and his wife Postera. He oversaw the keeping of the prisoner-slaves who were made to fight in gladiatorial games. He delighted in brutality and when Hercules and Iolaus allowed themselves to be captured in order to find Gladius he beat them both badly. He was responsible for killing Leutis and Turkos. Later, when Hercules and Gladius rebelled and freed all the slaves, he and Hercules had a brief fight. Hercules offered him the chance to surrender but when he wouldn't, Hercules ran Bellicus through with a sword.