| - The Emerald Spider is, in reality, not just one sort of spider, but the name of the most common type of large arthropod found throughout Fastheld and the wildlands. Predominantly green (thus its rather simple name) to blend in with the canopies of the trees that are its home, the Emerald Spider is an able predator that spins webs nominally to entrap birds, bats, and other larger avians among the tree branches. Their venom is narcotic, inducing drowsiness and unconsciousness especially with repeated bites.
| - The Emerald Spider is, in reality, not just one sort of spider, but the name of the most common type of large arthropod found throughout Fastheld and the wildlands. Predominantly green (thus its rather simple name) to blend in with the canopies of the trees that are its home, the Emerald Spider is an able predator that spins webs nominally to entrap birds, bats, and other larger avians among the tree branches. It prefers darker locations, and has the unique property of being able to camoflauge its silk by injecting it with a sort of organic dye; from certain perspectives, Emerald Spider webs are completely invisible to the naked eye, appearing as part of the scenery down to color and even internal texture. Their silk is exceedingly strong; a hunting web is usually insufficient to hold any human larger than a child immobile, but is a remarkable hinderance regardless, often needing to be cut or burned away to avoid impeding motion. Given enough time, a breeding colony of emerald spiders can and have coocooned adult humans, wildcats.. and even the occasional horse. Their venom is narcotic, inducing drowsiness and unconsciousness especially with repeated bites.