- Most brand name nuclear weapons can be found at your local Costco next to the SPF WMD 40.
- Nuke (de_nuke) es un mapa oficial de desactivación de bomba. Está disponible en Counter-Strike 1.6 y Counter-Strike: Source. El mapa está basado en el medio de región desértica el cual tiene grandes espacios subterráneos para experimentos científicos. Es uno de los mapas más populares de desactivación de bomba, jugado generalmente en cerrados y competencias.
- Rogers and Salmon after talking to a dog in Russian.
- Nuke is a purchasable and in the game Blast RPG.
- Nuke is a highly addictive and most pleasurable narcotic that was made by the drug lord and leader of the Nuke Cult, Cain. Unlike narcotics processed from agricultural sources or plant extract, Nuke is a designer drug thus manufacture can be accomplished in near any location using widely available chemicals.
- Nuke is a generic term for any ordnance working by the principles of nuclear fission or fusion to generate its destructive potential. This may mean:
* Nuclear bombs
* Nuclear artillery
* Nuclear missiles
- A 'Nuke' is a common term for a massive offensive attack. An example of a 'Nuke' 5/6k Axe Fighter 1 Scout 1k/1.5k Light Cavalry 500/1k Mounted Archer 300 Ram
- Register used for TacNukes, usually for firing one and sometimes for detecting their presence.
- Nuke oder auch Atomraketen ist eine Bombenszenario-Karte aus Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source und Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Nuke spielt sich auf dem Gelände eines Kernkraftwerkes ab und ist zugleich der Schauplatz des Trailers von Global Offensive.
- Nuke (de_nuke) официальная карта для режима Уничтожение объекта в серии игр Counter-Strike и в игре Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
- Nuke is the current NEWWA Massacre Heavyweight Championship, and Captain of the Atom Bombs
- The Nuke will kill any zombies that are currently on the map however, in Call of the Dead, the nuke cannot kill George Romero. All players who aren't down or dead will recieve 400 points on all maps minus the orginal Nacht der Untoten and Dead Ops Arcade.
- thumb|270px|Nuke Nuke (pol. Bomba atomowa) – Power-Up występujący w Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II i Call of Duty: Black Ops III w trybie Zombie. Jeżeli go zdobędziemy, to przez sekundę będzie białe światło a potem słowo "Kaboom!" i wszystkie zombie na mapie płoną a gracz dostaje 400 (800 w trakcie Double Points) punktów (w trybie współpracy 400 punktów dla każdego gracza niezależnie kto wziął bombę atomową). Ma wygląd bomby atomowej (jak widać na obrazie po prawej)
- Nuke is the tier 6 skill in Axton's Gunpowder skill tree. When Axton deploys his turret after investing in this skill, a large nuclear blast detonates at the spot where the turret appears.
- The textures of nukes are the same as mines, just reversed.
- The Nuke is a weapon that appears in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. Unlike what its name implies, the weapon is not an atomic bomb. It is instead a stand-alone weapon that charges up fission then releases a powerful beam, causing the explosion. Much like the Chronoscepter, the Nuke's pieces must be located and assembled in order to be used.
- The company's logo is an atom with three rings above the word Nuke in all capital letters.
- The first card released with this kind of effect was "Final Destiny", with an extremely high cost. This term is usually only assigned by the speed of which the card(s) manage to destroy all cards on the field. For example, even though "Harpies' Hunting Ground" is capable of destroying all of your opponent's Spell/Trap cards, it will only destroy one every time you Normal/Special Summon an "Harpie", so since it can be completely stopped by a single Spell/Trap-removal card, it isn't considered a nuke.
- Elementalists have access to a large and diverse array of such skills, so are usually favored to fulfill this role in a party. When asking for a Nuker, players almost always mean pyromancers who inflict highly damaging AoE spells such as Searing Flames and Meteor Shower. However, some Necromancer builds match the damage dealing potential of Elementalists, and are sometimes called Nukers, these builds take advantage of Spiteful Spirit, Reckless Haste, Desecrate Enchantments. Rangers using Barrage could also be considered as filling a nuker role, though are unlikely to be referred to as such in game. Ritualists are also potential nukers.
- Now, when us humans are stuck against a seemingly invincible army of super-uber-evil ballchinnians with a great big plot to destroy the world we normally nuke them, and then pull off some witty remark like "bet they didn't see that coming" or something of the sort.
- A nuke generally refers to an effect that causes ranged magic damage (resistable) as opposed to physical damage (defensible), but some call Hunter attacks nukes, since they may include a magical effect with their physical damage. Additional info:
- A nuke generally refers to an effect that causes ranged magic damage (resistable) as opposed to physical damage (defensible), but some call Hunter attacks nukes, since they may include a magical effect with their physical damage. Additional info: