Chris Knight is a heel wrestler who wrestle's in CWA and FCW. At CWA he uses the title "The Amazing" though thus far in FCW he hs not used this title. In FCW and CWA he also uses two different pic bses, Randy Orton for FCW while Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) for CWA. His finisher, the Knight Takes King, is an Inverted Electric Chair Full Nelson.
Chris Knight is a heel wrestler who wrestle's in CWA and FCW. At CWA he uses the title "The Amazing" though thus far in FCW he hs not used this title. In FCW and CWA he also uses two different pic bses, Randy Orton for FCW while Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) for CWA. His finisher, the Knight Takes King, is an Inverted Electric Chair Full Nelson.