| - Common short staff denoting they who don the cloth.
- Does not have one.
- The rod is potentially a magically-charged item. Powers and effects vary greatly.
- A Rod is an object found in the Game Grid used for generating and controlling light cycles. When preparing to create a vehicle, the rider reaches out and takes hold of the rod, with one hand at each end. It then generates a fully enclosed light cycle, forcing the rider into a riding position and completely enclosing them inside the vehicle. Each rod glows with a prescribed color. The light cycle generated by a rod will match the color of the rod, and these color schemes can be used to define either individuals or a team color. The rod was eventually succeeded by the baton.
- Many arcane spells are more effective when used in conjunction with an implement—a wizard’s staff, orb, or wand, or a warlock’s rod or wand. Artificers, Invokers, and Warlocks (includig binders and hexblades) are proficient with rods and may use them for powers with the implement keyword. Mundane rods do not normally provide a direct benefit - adventurers generally want a magical implement, class feature or feat that provides benefit with a rod.
- Rod is the Title of a group of common Pistols and are manufactured exclusively by Torgue. The Rod is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
- Rod was a patron of the bar in Houston, Texas where Dwight Charles worked, and often sat on a stool at the counter. When Dwight's name came up on a list of people for a Cupid to find love for, and when Castiel and Dean Winchester were waiting to get one of Cupid's arrows, the Cupid Gail walked in. After Gail touched both their shoulders, they both bonded over their love of bows, and Dwight bought Rod his next drink.
- A rod is a scepterlike magical device that have unique magical powers. Anyone can use a rod.
- A simple magic wand.
- Rod was one of four Herald Trainees mentored and interned under Herald Elyn. Son of the extremely wealthy head of the Goldsmith Guild, Guildmaster Frederick, he should have been spoiled rotten and yet was not. He had no skill for the family business but excelled in creating mechanical inventions and so his family was thrilled when he was Chosen. He is also described as being blond, blue-eyed and very handsome, the spitting image of an ideal Herald. Corresponds to Freddy from Scooby-Doo gang
- Rod Es Un Amigo De Mike
- Rod (Rh) – czterdziesty piąty pierwiastek chemiczny, metal przejściowy, Jest metalem szlachetnym, choć wbrew swojej szlachetności odnajduje się jakiekolwiek jego zastosowanie. Jego nazwa pochodzi od greckiego określenia róży, choć nie ma z nią zupełnie nic wspólnego. Nie zawiera się w jej kwiatach, a jego barwa przypomina róże wyłącznie na czarno-białych fotografiach. Rod jest buntowniczy, gdyż nie zgadza się z panującymi zasadami. Woda, kwasy i powietrze są mu obojętne i nie zawraca sobie nimi dupy.
- Rod (ロッド Roddo?) is a minor character in Toaru Majutsu no Index. Introduced as a member of Hound Dog ordered to kill Accelerator during the Academy City Invasion Arc, he is a subordinate to Nancy.
- Rod is a weapon that can be equipped by Firion, The Emperor, Onion Knight, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, Bartz Klauser, Exdeath, Terra Branford, Kefka Palazzo, Ultimecia, Kuja, and Shantotto. Other characters can only use a Rod if they trade Black Mage Lore and pay 1000 gil to the Shop to learn the Equip Rods, and equip it. Rods specialize in adding Magic Damage, changing the percentage done from 5% upwards to 25%. Rods also add HP and DEF+1. The Japanese letters to recognize a Rod are ロッド.
- Trivia He can be a elemental in the level Poison only appears in intro
- thumb|rightRod es el sobrino del Dr. Z. Es listo y le gusta retar al equipo D a unas batallas.Su hermana se llama Laura. También Es un mecánico, siempre le gusta divertirse igual que su hermana. Ninguno de estos hermanos ha visto a sus padres desde hace tiempo, por eso Seth les promete que los llevará al lugar en donde se encuentran si encuentran las cartas de dinosaurio que aparecen ,el odia que maltraten o regañen a su hermana, al igual que a Helga.(Su nombre en Japonés es Roto.) Categoría:Pandilla Alpha Categoría:Personaje Categoría:Personajes de dino rey Categoría:Personajes Masculinos
- Rod es un chico muy risueño y optimista que lleva la tienda de mascotas que se encuentra en la plaza, donde vende perros, gatos y un caballo. Está muy orgulloso de saber todo lo que sabe sobre animales, por eso se hizo muy amigo de Neil. Además es amigo de Allen desde pequeñitos, y el reencuentro será muy emotivo, ya que ambos salieron de la ciudad hace ya mucho tiempo.
- A rod is a unit of measure which is approximately 11 cubits (198 inches) in length.
- Rod (ロトRoto) is Dr. Z's grandson and a member of Alpha Gang. Like his younger sister, he is quite intelligent and is more experienced in Dinosaur Battles than the A-Team. He is voiced by Zoe Martin (English) and Yuriko Fuchizaki (Japanese).
- Rod, in the Nerdcubed Comics, is Bee's boyfriend. His opening line is 'sup bitches' immediately making a bad impression on Nathaniel.
- Rod is a character that is available at level 32, along with his brother Todd. He is unlocked upon building Sir Putt-A-Lot's, a building which was added to the game again after initially being introduced as a limited time item for purchase during the Valentine's Day 2013 Event.
- A rod is typically a long cylindrical object made of metal, stone, or wood.
- The Rod is a Rank 2 one-handed staff. Equivalent ethereal version: Copper Rod.
- Rods are a type of alleged atmospheric beast which can presumably travel very fast and in a straight line. The rods were thought to exist after many were caught on camera, and one of the explanations was of extraterrestrial origin. However, in History Channel's MonsterQuest show on rods, they were shown to be just something that can happen on cameras where a normal object is duplicated and it creates a long thin result.
- Rod è uno dei Mercenari fedeli a Sylvio che lavora alla fattoria di Onar. In seguito si unirà ai cacciatori di Draghi insieme a Cipher. Assegna all'eroe la missone:
* La spada di Rod
- Rods are classic K'nex pieces. They can join with Connectors in three ways. They range in size from ¾" to 7½". A rod is usually the same color as a Connector. The available rods are are in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
- A rod is a large, oblong ballistic object thrown by the Geometers of the Daban Urnud from orbit at various targets on Arbre during the Advent to extremely destructive effect. First used during the Visitation of Orithena in an attempt to destroy Lise, her vessel and all of the evidence it contained of the Polycosm, rods contain no ordnance of any kind. The explosive force results entirely from the velocity and heat achieved passing through Arbre's atmosphere. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Rod – postać, występująca w Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest jednym z najemników mieszkających na farmie Onara.
- In World of Warcraft, a rod can mean several things: 1.
* A weapon variant of a staff. 2.
* A base item created by a Blacksmith that only has use for Enchanting. 3.
* A tool used by Enchanters for the Enchanting profession made from base rods from Blacksmithing. 4.
* An off-hand item. 5.
* A quest item.
- Rods are Magic Devices with various effects that can have multiple charges. Lower-level rods are also frequently wanted as quest items. Unlike Scrolls, they have a chance to fail when used. The chances of failure and strength of the rod's effect generally depend on your Magic Device skill. Some rods can be made from materials using the Carpentry skill. PCs with the 'mana battery' Ether disease that picks up rods, will drain them of all charges and give spell stock in the corresponding spell, if any. Using rods trains the Magic Device skill.
- Despite being a Republican (Republicans generally believe that marriage is and has always been a sacred covenant between a man and woman for the purposes for romantic and interpersonal companionship; a covenant between one man and one woman as the basis for family and society), he is a closeted homosexual, and is very uptight. Nicky, his roommate, and Rod are based on Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. Despite Princeton being the main character, Rod has become the show's breakout star, appearing at the Tony-awards and other Broadway award shows. He also spent a week on Hollywood Squares once.
- Rod (Japanese: ロッド Romaji: roddo) is a character from the Slayers novel The Sorcerer Of Atlas. Rod is a little over twenty years old. His appearance is cold, pale, and ghostly. Lina describes his voice as "cold, clear, and sharp... like a sword". He is a masterful swordsman, possessing skill comparable to Gourry.