Chalco was one of the greatest Nexalan rulers of history.
Chalco was a vagrant and a drifter who often hung around Docking Bay 9372 on Coruscant finding information on people. He aided Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in his search for rogue Jedi Daeshara'cor in 25 ABY.
Chalco era un vagabundo que a menudo rondaba la Bahía de Embarque 9372 en Coruscant buscando información sobre las personas. Ayudó al Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker en su búsqueda de la Jedi renegada Daeshara'cor en el 25 DBY.
Chalco was one of the greatest Nexalan rulers of history.
Chalco was a vagrant and a drifter who often hung around Docking Bay 9372 on Coruscant finding information on people. He aided Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in his search for rogue Jedi Daeshara'cor in 25 ABY.
Chalco era un vagabundo que a menudo rondaba la Bahía de Embarque 9372 en Coruscant buscando información sobre las personas. Ayudó al Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker en su búsqueda de la Jedi renegada Daeshara'cor en el 25 DBY.