| - Tarakus sat at a table in the back of the ship. He stared down at the artifact in his hand, wondering if it was leading him astray. He momentarily looked up and caught the glance of Mirandall, who was holding Tarakus's comlink. "Harlan is on the other end. He says he's got some important information for you." "Very well." Tarakus said, grabbing the comlink out of Mirandall's hand. "Hello? Harlan?" "Tarakus, good. Hey, I've got some interesting information to pass along to you. A source has told me that Moorshavin's planning on invading the galaxy, where you guys are, within the next few weeks. I'd keep an eye out for any cloaked WSIR ships passing by." "I will. Who told you that?" "Believe it or not, that was Draco Minoris. He was there when Moorshavin unveiled his plans, and outright refused to participate in them, saying that it was wrong, and that it would possibly destroy the livlihoods of citizens here." "For once, he actually did something right. I guess there is some good in Draco Minoris after all." "'Fraid not. Minoris says that when this invasion is stopped, he's going right back to Moorshavin's camp." "That's expected, Harlan. You can't always have your Pine Scotch and drink it too. It's wishful thinking, trying to bring him back to our side, Harlan. It's never gonna happen." "I was afraid you might say that. Well, anyway, I'm just giving you a fore warning so you don't get caught up in it." "Thanks, Harlan. We'll keep our eyes on the CGT." "By the way, Tarakus, how's your search for Lumiya going?" "Well, other than the fact that I got executed, and it's starting to look more and more like she may have died, it's going pretty well." Tarakus said, displaying a little sadness in his eyes. "Ah, well, if that's the case, you can always pick up the pieces and move on with your life, right?" Tarakus sighed, and looked down for a moment before he answered. "I guess. Not much I can do." "But, don't let that discourage you from continuing your search." "Thanks Harlan. That's the best advice I've heard all day. I suppose I better let you go. We're closing in on Coruscant at the moment." "Oh. Well, I better let you get back to searching for clues. Good luck, Tarakus, and don't get captured again." Harlan said. "I will, Harlan. Take care." Tarakus said, laughing a little. "I will. Takanagamo out." - - - - - -Anjanik City, Curava As Moorshavin walked quietly from his office to the Labratory, something caught his eye. He stopped and checked it out. He picked up the object, which looked like a small electronic device. He saw buttons, and, out of curiosity, he pressed one of them. Suddenly, he was enveloped in some sort of shield. From the outside perspective, he had vanished from sight. "What is this?" He asked himself, deactivating the device. One of his chief scientists walked out of the Labratory. "Do you like it? It's a Warbird-Trinity Experimental Cloaking device, capable of making a person, invisible to the naked eye. DMC has been using these for a while now. But, we managed to pry a few off of your Uncle Augustus, and experiment with them." "Hmm. . .can these be utilized by saboteurs?" "Indeed, without them being detected by counterelectronics. But, of course, while you can make yourself completely invisible, visually, you'll still be physically there, thus, you'll show up on portable CGT scanners." Showing interest, Moorshavin nodded. "Have you repilcated the technology?" "That's the thing, my Lord. We haven't been able to replicate it successfully. Whatever we're doing wrong with the current converters doesn't seem to supply infinite energy to the device." "Hmm. . .I've got a solution for that. The DMC users are obviously using the Force or some portable version of a 10Zat generator, to prolong the battery life of the power cell." "Are you positive?" "No, I'm negative," Moorshavin said, sarcastically. "Yes. I'm definitely positive. I've done that with our cloaking devices before. I did that during the 12 Year Purge. Trust me, Doctor." "Ok. I trust your judgment." "Good. Now, let's head to the Labratory, to see your latest innovations."