| - Kamui is a powerful Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu that creates a unique and specialised form of space–time ninjutsu. It allows the user to achieve two very distinct, yet closely associated feats — teleportation and intangibility.
- Like its palette swaps, it uses its special attack Zombie Touch to inflict Zombie. The Kamui may use Zombie Touch three times in a single turn, quickly crippling the party. For this reason the player should kill the Kamui first. Lightning and Poison spells like Bio, Thundara, and Thundaga work well against it.
- Jutsu dérivés Jutsu associés Jutsu relatifs Utilisateurs KamuiLe Kamui est une technique du Mangekyô Sharingan de type spatio-temporel qui engendre une dimension parallèle et permet de manipuler la frontière entre ce monde et celui d'origine. Cette technique octroie donc différentes capacités dont les plus remarquables sont la téléportation et la dématérialisation. Comme pour le Mangekyô Sharingan, certains pouvoirs du Kamui sont associés à l'œil droit, d'autres à l'œil gauche et les plus puissants à la réunion des deux.
- Kamui (神威) is the biological son of Umibouzu and the biological elder brother of Kagura. He becomes Housen's pupil. Due to his excellent fighting skills, he became the Captain of 7th Division of Harusame. He is known as the Lightning Spear in the division, the most powerful combat unit within the said group, and Overlord of Yoshiwara after Housen's death.
- Kamui ( 神威, Divine Spirit) is a character seen in Clamp's series, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. Kamui is a crossover character from one of Clamp's earlier works, X.
- thumb|right|58px Mangekyo Sharingan képesség. A dimenzió-utazást teszi lehetővé. A használat nagyon kimerítő annál aki nem szokott hozzá (pl.: Kakashi). A Kamui segítségével lehet csak eljutni a Kamui dimenzióba.
- Kamui es una Arma Larga perteneciente a los Caballeros Cobalto, empezó siendo la ayudante de Albireo en Al Buster. El patrón de colores de su diseño es diferente en el anime y el manga. En La leyenda del brazalete del crepúsculo ella ejerce de líder de los Caballeros Cobalto teniendo bajo su responsabilidad a la Amo de ondas Magi.
- Categoría:JutsuEl Kamui (神威, Kamui) es una técnica del Mangekyō Sharingan, que le permite al usuario transferir cualquier cosa, persona o a si mismo a otra dimensión. Este poder es exclusivo del Mangekyō Sharingan de Obito Uchiha y concede dos distintas aunque estrechamente relacionadas habilidades como lo es la Teletransportación y la Intangibilidad.
- Kamui (「カムイ」?; Kamuy; Divine) is an icy snow-covered island to the north of Nippon, exclusive to Ōkami. The region is both blessed and plagued by the frequent blizzards, in addition to being home to the village of the Oina, Wep'keer
- Kamui is a member of Ura Uruha.
- Kamui (カムイ) is a playable character in Fire Emblem Gaiden and its remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He is 28 years old. He is voiced by Shuhei Matsuda in the Japanese version.
- El Kamui (神威, Kamui) es una técnica del Mangekyō Sharingan, que le permite al usuario transferir cualquier cosa, persona o a si mismo a otra dimensión. Este poder es exclusivo del Mangekyō Sharingan de Obito Uchiha y concede dos distintas aunque estrechamente relacionadas habilidades como lo es la Teletransportación y la Intangibilidad.
- Its name is taken from the Japanese word kamuii, meaning "cold."
- "Under the impossible smile hides a growing shadow." - Song: Uso (SID) {C}Kamui [神威] is a mysterious character that appeared to Lysie on her dream.
- Kamui (カムイ), also known as Kamui the Black Wind Shadow Tiger (黒風影虎神威, Kokufūkagedora Kamui) is a character from Ninja Master's. He is the rival of Sasuke. He is voiced by Masahiko Yano. __TOC__
- Kamui (JP) is a playable character that appears in Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).pngThis Fire Emblem related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).png
- Kamui (神威) is the leader of the Cobalt Knights and was an admirer of Albireo. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
- Alla sua prima apparizione in Next Dimension la dea Artemide indossa un'armatura dorata ed elegante, che ricopre tutta la parte superiore del corpo della dea, ma non la parte inferiore, ma non viene identificata dall'autore come Kamui. In Episode G viene inoltre fatto un accenno all'armatura di Apollo da parte di Ettore. In accordo con la lista della Taizen le divinità olimpiche dovrebbero essere (oltre a Zeus, Ade, Poseidone, Atena, Apollo ed Artemide) Ermes, Efesto, Afrodite, Demetra, Era ed Estia. Tale elenco contrasta con quello della mitologia greca
- Kamui ist ein Dou-Jutsu, das nur mit dem Mangekyou Sharingan von Obito Uchiha angewandt werden kann. Das Jikuukan Ninjutsu verleiht dem Anwender Zugang zu einer anderen Dimension, und er erhält zwei mächtige Fähigkeiten: Teleportation und Durchlässigkeit.
- Kamui (神威) è una potente tecnica spaziotemporale dello Sharingan Ipnotico di Obito Uchiha che permette di creare un ponte con un'altra dimensione.
- is a powerful Mangekyō Sharingan dōjutsu that creates a unique and specialised form of space–time ninjutsu. It allows the user to wrap an object and teleports it to another dimension.
- Kamui (lit. Might of the Gods) is the title given to the four most powerful souls of a particular generation, each one being the foremost master of one of the Zankenoski, Hakuda, Kido, Zanjutsu, and Hoho.
- Chiri Kamui (知里(ちり) 神衣(かむい)) is a scout character.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Tsukuyomi | Izanami | Izanagi | Kushinada | Nirvana | Kushinada: Zero | Yomi | Canaan File:FireIcon.png Fire: Momotaro | Forty-Seven Ronin File:WaterIcon.png Water: Louis XIII File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Issun | Diaochan File:LightIcon.png Light: Princess Nokko | Origami | Gemini Saga | Typhon File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Space Whale Geppetto | Bahamut | Bull Demon King | Vanilla the Witch | Inari | Kabushido | Princess Takiyasha | Darkblade Murasame | Gilles de Rais | Visceron | Necalli | Genome | Blizzaga File:Scroll.png Tower: 19F | 20F | 27F | 30F | 35F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
- Kamui (神威, Kamui) is a member of the Yato Tribe. He is the son of Umibouzu and Kouka, and the elder brother of Kagura. He is a major antagonist of Yoshiwara in Flames Arc and later after his alliance with Takasugi, becomes one of the main antagonists of the series.
- When both eyes are used together on the same target, the teleportation process works twice as fast. Through both eyes, the user can create two distortions at the same time and connect them. This was demonstrated when Obito first used the long-range Kamui to synchronise with another dimension, and then used the short-range Kamui to teleport himself, and/or any one touching him through the portal.
- Kamui is Teddie's Ultimate Persona, obtained once the Star Arcana Social Link reaches its maximum. "Kamuy" is a term taken from Ainu mythology. They are similar to traditional Japanese gods. Additionally, "kamuy" means "bear" (as bears are considered the incarnation of powerful divine spirits in Ainu religion), making the Persona's name a pun.
- While stated that all 12 Olympian Gods each possessed a respective Cloth, only one has been shown in battle on several occasions: Athena's Cloth. Having chosen to reincarnate on Earth to live as human, Athena became the planet's guardian deity against the wrath and desires of conquest of her fellow gods. Athena's Cloth was a vital element in her defense against the gods and was especially prominent in her multiple battles against the God of the Underworld Hades, where it was said it could completely turn the tides of battle, to the point where in their last two wars, Hades made several attempts to prevent the Cloth from being used against him.
- "A sickly man who writes novels, but hasn't been selling many lately. He's a dreaming romanticist. He left his home in the Empire to escape war, but was quite popular there. Even Prince Valdo was a fan." —Book of Prophecy
- Kamui is a supporting character in Tsubasa ~RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE~ and a crossover character from CLAMP's X; he is the second of the vampire twins whom Seishirō is hunting, the other being Subaru. In X, Kamui is the 'chosen one', and he had to decide the destiny of the Earth. By deciding he would protect the people he cared about, Fuuma and Kotori, he joined the Dragons of Heaven. This choice caused Fuuma to become a Dragon of Earth, eventually killing Kotori. Followed by a series of deaths, Tokyo is eventually destroyed but reborn.
- Kamui (神威, Kamui) is a released for in December of 1999. It was developed by and published by . Although Kamui is the second game release by Siter Skain, it was the third game to be developed - preceeding it was a prototype of RefleX called Reflection. Many shmup fans consider Kamui to be one of the best - if not the best - PC shmup games ever made due to its excellent gameplay, music, and difficulty. For all intents and purposes, it is best described as "a more intense RayStorm-clone" as Kamui uses a similar gameplay style to Taito's Ray series. Kamui is also a short game, consisting of only 5 stages plus the final boss battle. Although Kamui is challenging and will keep you moving, it is also forgiving in the sense that the player has a shield that can take several hits per life, three l