The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, the first book of the Dark Tide Duology, is a novel by Michael A. Stackpole, published by Del Rey in 2000. The galactic maps printed inside were designed by Daniel Wallace and Chris Barbieri. Narration for the audio version was provided by Anthony Heald.
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| - The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
- The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
| - The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, the first book of the Dark Tide Duology, is a novel by Michael A. Stackpole, published by Del Rey in 2000. The galactic maps printed inside were designed by Daniel Wallace and Chris Barbieri. Narration for the audio version was provided by Anthony Heald.
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dramatis personae
| - *Elegos A'Kla; New Republic senator
*Lando Calrissian; Dubrillion planetary administrator,
*Colonel Gavin Darklighter; Rogue Squadron
*Borsk Fey'lya; New Republic chief of state
*Corran Horn; Jedi Knight
*Danni Quee; ExGal Society
*Ganner Rhysode; Jedi Knight
*Shedao Shai; Yuuzhan Vong Commander
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Knight
*Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight / Sticks
*Leia Organa Solo; New Republic diplomat,
| - *Amphistaff
*Cloaker / Ooglith masquer
*Dovin basal
*Dweebit "Beetle"
*Granite slug
*Gricha / "Sandbiter"
*Implanter "Creeper"
*Krayt dragon
*Ngdin "Tongue"
*Razor bug
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric
*Yorik-Kul "Coral spike"
*Yorik coral
Book name
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| - *Antenna array
*Artificial gravity generator
*Bacta patch
*Bacta tank
*Blaster cannon
*Blaster carbine
*Blaster rifle
*Comm unit
*Communications relay satellite
*Computer console
*Concussion missile
*Concussion missile launcher
*Deflector shield
*Embrace of Pain
*Engine filter
*Etheric rudder
*Food synthesizer
*Force pike
*Gaffi stick
*Glow lamp
*Glow panel
*Grashal / "mollusk shell"
*Gravity well projector
*Hair dryer
*Holographic display
*Holoprojector plate
*Hyperdrive motivator
*Inertial compensator
*Ion cannon
*Ion drive
*Killscent bomb
*Laser cannon
**Dual-phase lightsaber
*Memory wipe
*Power pack
*Propulsion exhaust unit
*Prosthetic replacement
*Proton torpedo
*Recharger station
*Remote sensor pod
*Repulsor coil
*Restraining bolt
*Secondary monitor
**X-wing simulator
***Taanab exercise
*Stormtrooper armor
*Targeting monitor
*Tractor beam
*Trauma pad
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Yuuzhan Vong armor"
*Yaret-Kor "Plasma cannon"
| - *Bombing of the Senate Hall
*Caamas Document Crisis
*Galactic Civil War
**Attack on Dantooine
**Bacta War
**Battle of Endor
**Battle of Hoth
**Battle of Yavin
**Destruction of Alderaan
**Destruction of Carida
**Liberation of Coruscant
**Thrawn campaign "Thrawn crisis"
***Battle of Bilbringi
*Great Jedi Purge
*Liberation Day
*Osarian-Rhommamool conflict
*Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Battle of Dantooine
**Destruction of Sernpidal
**Duel on Belkadan
**Battle of Dubrillion
**Skirmish at Helska IV
**Mission to Bimmiel
**Rescue on Belkadan
**Evacuation of Dubrillion
**Battle of Helska IV
**Second skirmish in the Outer Rim
**Skirmish in the Outer Rim
**Third skirmish in the Outer Rim
**Invasion of Garqi
*Wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
*Wedding of Nrin Vakil and Koyi Komad
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Release Date
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| - The New Jedi Order
- Preview Excerpt from Dark Tide: Onslaught
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Cover Artist
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media type
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| - *Algae
*Asteroid belt
*Black hole
*Blba tree
*Bothese "Bothan"
*Carbon dioxide
*Combat jumpsuit
*Corellian brandy
*Corellian whiskey
*Dantarian "Dantari speech"
*Darklighter family
*Domain Shai
*Fabool-hide pouch
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Force Jump
**Force sense
**Force shield
**Force vision
**Jedi trance
**Mind trick
***Force illusion
***Force persuasion
**Telekinesis "TK"
***Force Flight
***Force Grip
***Force Pull
***Force Push
**Tutaminis "Energy absorb"
*Gas giant
*Horn family
*Hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy
*Jedi robe
*Jedi training
*Kre'fey family
*Krytos virus
*Life debt
*May the Force be with you
*Moisture farm
*New Republic crest
*Ration bar
*Rogue Squadron crest
*Taanab exercise
| - Mroczny przypływ I: Szturm
Preceded By
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| - *All Terrain Armored Transport "AT-AT walker"
*Bothan Assault Cruiser
*BTL Y-wing starfighter "Y-wing"
*Death Star I
*Death Star II
*EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate "Nebulon-B frigate"
**Free Lance
*Escape pod
*GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat
*Immobilizer 418 cruiser "Interdictor cruiser"
*Jade's Fire
*Koros-Strohna "Worldship"
*Miid ro'ik
*Millennium Falcon
**Jade Sabre
**Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
***Fond Memory
*Rakamat "Range"
*Speeder bike
*Star Destroyer
**Victory-class Star Destroyer "Vic"
***Corusca Fire
*Sun Crusher
*T-47 airspeeder "Snowspeeder"
*Thrall herder
*TIE/IN interceptor "TIE interceptor"
*TIE/LN starfighter "TIE fighter"
**Clutch "Tri-fighter"
*X-wing starfighter
**T-65 X-wing starfighter
**T-65A3 X-wing starfighter
**T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter
**XJ X-wing starfighter
*YT-1210 light freighter
*Yorik-et "Coralskipper"
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| - *Baragwin
*Chazrach "Reptoid"
*Tusken Raider "Sand People"
*Yuuzhan Vong
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| - The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
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| - eu/lit/novel/news19991202.html
- eu/lit/novel/news20000201.html
| - *Administrator
*Agamarian Council
**Madam Speaker
*Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles "A/KT"
*Bacta Cartel
*Bothan Martial Academy
*Corellian Engineering Corporation
*Corellian Security Force "CorSec"
*Dozen-and-Two Avengers
*Extragalactic Society
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
***Emperor's Hand
**Grand Admiral
**Imperial Senate
*Galactic Republic "Old Republic"
*Imperial Remnant
*Incom Corporation
*Jedi Order
**Jedi High Council
*New Jedi Order
**Jedi Apprentice
**Jedi Council
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
**Radical party
*New Republic
**Chief of State
**Flight officer
**New Republic Fleet
***Jedi One
***New Republic Army
***Rogue Squadron
****Rogue Leader
****Rogue Two
****Rogue Four
****Rogue Five
****Rogue Seven
****Rogue Eight
****Rogue Nine
****Rogue Ten
****Rogue Eleven
****Rogue Twelve
***Savage Squadron
***Tough Squadron
****Tough Seven "T-sev"
**New Republic Senate
*Rebel Alliance
*Red Knights of Life
*Sith Lord
*Starfighter control officer
*Warrior caste
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| - *2-1B surgical droid
*3PO-series protocol droid
*Astromech droid
**R2-Delta astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
**R5-series astromech droid
*Probe droid
*Slicer droid
| - *Agamar
**Calna Muun
***Council Center
****Agamarian Council Chamber
**University of Agamar
*Belkadan system
**Silver Sea
*Corporate Sector
**Senate Building
***Grand Convocation Chamber
**Rogue Squadron Headquarters
**Solo apartment
**Dantooine base "Rebel base"
*Dina "Dantooine sun"
*Helska IV
*Lando's Folly
**Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy
*MZX33291 system
*Unidentified star system (Outer Rim)
*Unknown Regions
*Yavin 4
**Great Temple
***Grand Audience Chamber
***Jedi academy
Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Temný příliv I: Útok
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Other Characters
| - *Releqy A'Kla
*Nom Anor
*Wedge Antilles
*Bimmiel (Imperial)
*C-3PO "Threepio"
*Anni Capstan
*Yomin Carr
*Catch / Toughcatch / Jawaswag
*Tycho Celchu
*Chewbacca "Chewie"
*Natasi Daala
*Biggs Darklighter
*Rasca Darklighter
*Sera Faleur Darklighter
*Lun Deverin
*Dorsk 81
*Kyp Durron
*Keyan Farlander
*Inyri Forge
*Pen Grasha
*Keiran Halcyon
*Jysella Horn
*Mirax Terrik Horn
*Nyche Horn
*Valin Horn
*Ylenic It'kla
*Wes Janson
*Anet Karl
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Derek Klivian "Hobbie"
*Koyi Komad
*Laryn Kre'fey
*Karka Kre'fey
*Traest Kre'fey
*Exar Kun
*Beru Whitesun Lars
*Owen Lars
*Nichos Marr
*Cray Mingla
*Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn"
*Mon Mothma
*Kral Nevil / Deuce
*Niuk Niuv
*Cal Omas
*Bail Prestor Organa
*Trista Orlanis
*Anki Pace
*Mirip Pag
*Ligg Panat
*R2-D2 "Artoo"
*Miko Reglia
*Asyr Sei'lar
*Dranae Shai
*Mongei Shai
*Neira Shai
*Viqi Shesh
*Wurth Skidder
*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
*Han Solo
*Kam Solusar
*Tionne Solusar
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Booster Terrik
*Nrin Vakil
*Krag Val
*Alinn Varth
*Urias Xhaxin
*Qwi Xux
| - The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, the first book of the Dark Tide Duology, is a novel by Michael A. Stackpole, published by Del Rey in 2000. The galactic maps printed inside were designed by Daniel Wallace and Chris Barbieri. Narration for the audio version was provided by Anthony Heald.
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