| - The World of Warcraft Bestiary (or, incorrectly, "Beastiary") initially was the first teaser web site for World of Warcraft on the Blizzard web site. It eventually turned into the Town Hall and the "bestiary" pages were only linked from pages therein. Each of the pages of the bestiary showed an animated sequence of monster with sound and a short bit of lore. Most of the mobs were from Alliance zones, since those were implemented earlier than much of the Horde zones.
- __TOC__ The following is a list of enemies one may encounter. Note that they are grouped according to ranger's favored enemies. There are no (nonmagical) beasts, fey, giants, half-elves, halflings or monstrous humanoids as non-summon enemies in the game.
- This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
- A bestiary is usually a volume containing information on different creatures, either living or mythical, depending on the focus of the treatise. In The Witcher, bestiary entries are acquired through listening to folktales and reading books. Once acquired, they can be found in the Journal. These entries describe the various monsters that Geralt meets or learns about during the course of his travels, including their appearance, primary characteristics and . In this wiki, those entries can be found in category.
- There are many monsters in the realm of Taborea. You can find information on them in the following pages.
- The Bestiary is a list of all the monsters found in RuneScape Classic. It is organised by the monsters combat level. The list follows:
- A bestiary is a list of the monsters in an area or in this case a game. This bestiary is about the monsters in RuneScape. Below are links to bestiary lists organised by the monster's levels:
* Levels 1 to 10
* Levels 11 to 20
* Levels 21 to 30
* Levels 31 to 40
* Levels 41 to 50
* Levels 51 to 60
* Levels 61 to 70
* Levels 71 to 80
* Levels 81 to 90
* Levels 91 to 100
* Levels higher than 100 Free-to-play has their own bestiary without pay-to-play monsters:
* Free-to-play bestiary
- The Bestiary includes all the creatures that can be found in Star Wars The Old Republic. The in-game Codex also includes a specific Bestiary sub-section with entries that can be unlocked as you play the game. The below listings should include all the creature entries from the Codex Bestiary as well as other creatures found in-game.
- Een Bestiary is een lijst van monsters in een gebied of in dit geval het spel. Deze bestiary gaat over de monsters in RuneScape.
* Bestiary:Levels 1 tot 10
* Bestiary:Levels 11 tot 20
* Bestiary:Levels 21 tot 30
* Bestiary:Levels 31 tot 40
* Bestiary:Levels 41 tot 50
* Bestiary:Levels 51 tot 60
* Bestiary:Levels 61 tot 70
* Bestiary:Levels 71 tot 80
* Bestiary:Levels 81 tot 90
* Bestiary:Levels 91 tot 100
* Bestiary:Levels hoger dan 100 Categorie:Monsters en:Bestiary
- A bestiary is a compendium of monsters. Most games in the Neptunia series contain a bestiary that registers and lists enemies the player encounters along the game.
- Bestiary: Each of these books offers lore about a single combination of creature origin and type, such as fey humanoids. When you fail a monster knowledge check related to a creature with this origin and type, you can reroll the check by spending one hour studying the bestiary. You must use the second result.
- A bestiary of the following shows.
- Ang Bestiary ay isang listahan ng mga halimaw sa isang lugar o sa situwasyon na ito, sa loob ng RuneScape.
* Bestiary:Levels 1 to 10
* Bestiary:Levels 11 to 20
* Bestiary:Levels 21 to 30
* Bestiary:Levels 31 to 40
* Bestiary:Levels 41 to 50
* Bestiary:Levels 51 to 60
* Bestiary:Levels 61 to 70
* Bestiary:Levels 71 to 80
* Bestiary:Levels 81 to 90
* Bestiary:Levels 91 to 100
* Bestiary:Levels 101 to 110
* Bestiary:Levels 111 to 120
* Bestiary:Levels 121 to 130
* Bestiary:Levels 131 to 140
* Bestiary:Levels 141 to 150
* Bestiary:Levels 151 to 160
* Bestiary:Levels 161 to 170
* Bestiary:Levels 171 to 180
* Bestiary:Levels 181 to 190
* Bestiary:Levels 191 to 200
* Bestiary:Levels higher than 200
- Consus Cave -- Thundereous Ragewing Dragon King
- For mimic locations, see the Etherean Bestiary.
- This page will attempt to index and describe all of the different monster types in Elona. As in most cases monster type is associated with certain race, there's a page with .
* neutral unique NPCs
- The Bestiary is an old book used to control demons by reading aloud their name from the book. Lara did this to control Vladimir Kaleta whose demon name was Verdilet. List of known demon names from the Bestiary include:
* Askeroth
* Aqueil
* Arrancula
* Belial
* Bucom
* Boliath
* Camos
* Masteflou
* Níðhöggr
* Verdilet
- (as of the Closed-Beta Test on the July 2-6th weekend) One-Day Sparky
* Looks like a bumblebee but with the back end of a lightning bug. Two-Day Sparky
* Same as a One-Day Sparky but with higher HP. Three-Day Sparky
* Same as One-Day and Two-Day Sparky, but with higher HP.
- The bestiary is a collection of terrible and powerful monsters from countless worlds both Nether and not. A list of beasts taken straight out of the Nippon Ichi world and thrust onto the table top to face the powerful characters you create. Here are some links to basic Pathfinder Creature rules which you should be familiar with before moving on to the Disgaea creatures.
- Bestiary (plural bestiaries): A medieval treatise of various real or imaginary animals. This is a collection of animals and monster useful in a 4th Edition GURPS game.
- Giant Rat (level-10-14) Man (level-2) Minotaur (level-12,27) Rat (level-2)
- This page lists the creatures the party has faced so far, along with information.
- This is a Story Teller resource. As I make up creatures I'll post them here. Please do not abuse this for finding weaknesses of a creature in a game.
* NPCs - Mortals, half-bloods, and mutants of interest
* Creatures/Beasts - the "real" Bestiary
* Elementals - Elements infused with essence
* Undead - Those who come from the Underworld
* Deamons - Those who come from Tartarus
* Fair Folk - Denizens of the Wyld
* Exalted NPCs - Exalts of Interest
* Minor Gods/Spirits - gods of limited power who's base is in Creation
* Major Gods - gods of great power who's base is outside of Creation
* Heroes of Antiquity -
- Rifts Earth has become home to numerous non-human races. Some are the result of science, such as Dog Boys, while others arrived on Earth by traveling through on one the many Rifts through time and space. Since Rifts Earth is a dimensional nexus, creatures from throughout the Megaverse now call Earth home.
- This is a check list of monster that have been created and to be created..
- Ο όρος "Bestiary" αφορά τα διάφορα τέρατα (mobs) που θα συναντήσετε στο παιχνίδι. Τα τέρατα είναι χωρισμένα στις παρακάτω κατηγορίες και υποκατηγορίες ανάλογα το είδος που ανήκουν.
- The goal of the GuildWiki Bestiary Index is to collect as much information as possible on all of the various creatures one might face in the game, and organize them by species and in some cases political affiliations too. Image:QuestIconThumb.png To see the current state of the Bestiary take a look at .
- Britannia and the various worlds visited through the ages are often perilous. This section shall provide both information and warning, a description of every foe, animal, and monster that can be encountered. The emphasis of this Bestiary shall be the flora and fauna found in Britannia and throughout the ages. Tables showing when and where these creatures are located can be found here: Bestiary Through the Ages
- The Bestiary is a modern compendium on mythological creatures.
- This is a listing of the many monsters in the dungeons of Trampoli. It details their battle stats, and farming capabilities as well as where you can find them. For more detailed information on how to raise monsters, see Ranching Guide
- This is a list of monsters found in TBA. All monsters are shown at only one section though their level range may vary several dozen levels.
- The Bestiary contains all of the enemies encountered in White Knight Chronicles.
- Unlike the civilised and sentient creatures of the world, Esria was host to a variety of beasts and uncivilised creatures that plagued its borders, forests and societies. Not all of them were evil, though a large variety of them were savage in nature. Below you can find a comprehensive list of all the creatures of Esria.
- Here is a list of monsters in the game, this list might not be completely updated, but I hope to have stats and drops for many monsters.
* A
* B
* C
* D
* E
* F
* Frost Spider
* G
* H
* Hulda
* Huldagar
* Huldagrim
* I
* Ice Spider
* J
* K
* L
* M
* N
* O
* P
* Q
* R
* S
* Snow Orc
* Snow Orc Leech
* Snow Orc Bodyguard
* Snow Minotaur
* T
* U
* V
* W
* Winter Harpy
* Wulfin
* Wulfin Cub
* X
* Y
* Z
- This is a compendium of flora and fauna that appeared in the world of Hunter × Hunter including Magic beasts.
- The following is a list of monsters that occur in the Avernum Series: This list is not to be confused with the list of Sentient Races, such as Humans and Nephilim, and is provided elsewhere. The list is broken up into several sub-categories below. Note: Some pages are listed in more than one category. This is because, some examples, such as the Nephilim, are examples of more than one subcategory. For instance, they are Feline in appearance, and also Humanoid. Similarly, Humans are both Humanoid (as they give the name to the category), and also Mammals.
- File:Dreamstone.gif Every monster can drop a Dreamstone; area and vengeance bossses can drop multiple Dreamstones. Bosses are more likely to drop them than regular monsters. You cannot pilfer them from vengeance bosses. There is usually a 1%-5% chance of a drop. File:Bronze Shoes.gif Only area and vengeance bosses, as well as "unique" and asterisk monsters can drop a piece of armor.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ __TOC__ When you first venture into the city, zombies appear infrequently and are easy to kill. As you move deeper into the city, however, progressively tougher zombies will appear, easily identifiable by their color and unique, mutated body types. The health points of all infected stated here is only at the best accuracy from the actual health value.
- This section provides details, profiles, and general information about some of the creatures living in the Old World - and which form a part of the game. The list is not intended to be comprehensive, nor are the descriptions to be regarded as inviolable; gamesmasters who want to create their own monsters should treat the entries as examples and invent whatever new and interesting monstrosities they like. The various creatures are presented in five sections: Humanoids, Animals & Monsters, Undead, Elementals, and Daemons.
- A list of all the fell beasts that have appeared in the Conan series.
* Grey ape — Grey apes are huge gorilla-like beasts with grey fur. They inhabit the shores of the Vilayet Sea, and are well-known for both their incredible strength and their ferocity. Even Conan, who himself is the mightiest and most savage warrior of the Hyborian Age, has had a few close calls with these creatures. Not only this, but Grey apes are also capable of great cunning and intelligence. In "Rogues in the House", the being called Thak, himself a Grey ape, is able to manipulate complex booby traps, thus demonstrating his learning ability. Grey apes also appear in The Hour of the Dragon, and "Iron Shadows in the Moon".
* Black One — The Black Ones are a race of tall humanoids with glossy ebony skin and shar
- Note: If you make any contributions to this page, make sure to give yourself credit at the bottom of the page, and please, don't remove anyone's name. For detailed information about bosses and boss location, go to the Bosses page. Trophies in italics: required for the Seer's collection quests. Nodiatis Bestiary
* exp at level 85. Experience by: Beetdabrat, Jitsrotu, Majorbloodstone, Relic __NOEDITSECTION__