| - thumb|right Temple Of Argus é uma área do modo Konquest do jogo Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
- Temple of Argus es el nombre del segundo nivel de juego del modo Konquest en el título Mortal Kombat Armageddon. En apariencia, es un antiguo templo sagrado abandonado, con muchas trampas mortales y pasadizos esparcidos por el lugar. Si bien ciertos lugares están sucios y llenos de telarañas e insectos, las salas principales del Templo están en óptimo estado. En la cámara que actúa de entrada al Templo se puede observar una gran estatua de Argus. Aquí es donde Taven llega luego de haber seguido el camino de Botan Jungle y de haberse deshecho de los ninjas y líderes del reformado clan Dragón Negro. Él comienza en una cámara en la cual se puede observar tallada en las paredes los sucesos que le llevaron hasta allí: La visión de su madre Delia, a ella conversando con Argus, a dos figuras durmientes que Taven supone sería él mismo y Daegon, y finalmente a ellos dos kombatiendo una especie de demonio. Esto último es lo único que no logra recordar. Es entonces cuando es emboscado por varios asesinos desconocidos. Luego de derrotarlos, se abrirá un pasadizo en la pared. Taven sigue dicho camino, atravesando trampas mortales y llegando a una habitación con mirador, de donde provienen más asesinos vestidos de rojo. Taven logra derrotarlos nuevamente, y sigue su camino por otro pasadizo, llegando a la cámara principal del Templo. Una vez allí, Taven se acerca al altar y coloca su mano en una piedra, lo que le activa otra representación de su padre Argus, quien le explica los detalles de la misión, que su objetivo es encontrar y derrotar a un elemental de fuego llamado Blaze quien fue creado por Delia, y que el ganador de esta "competición" entre Taven y Daegon no solo será reconocido como el sucesor de Argus en el cargo de Protector de Edenia, sino que recibirá un regalo digno de un Dios. Además, le explica que él y su madre le han dejado una poderosa arma en un recipiente detrás del altar, sin embargo, apenas después de desaparecer la representación de Argus, Taven es atacado desde atrás por un Sektor que se había mantenido invisible hasta ese momento. Sektor llama a sus secuaces del clan Tekunin para que los extraigan hacia la Tekunin Warship. Categoría:Lugares
- When the Edenian sorceress Delia foresaw the coming of the Great Battle through the corruption of a Mortal Kombat tournament and the gathering of countless warriors within the Southlands craters of Edenia, her husband and her homeworld's Protector god Argus was ordered by the Elder Gods to orchestrate a solution. He created his sacred pyramid which served as a safeguard to avoid total annihilation. To await his sons' arrival, Argus and his wife then sent out their followers from Edenia and into Earthrealm to build monuments and two temples including the Temple of Delia and have more new disciples under their guidance. One of these two places of worship is the Temple of Argus itself. Taven, the first born son of Argus, arrived at a jungle wilderness in Earthrealm through a portal created by his old friend and guardian Caro, as he begins his quest and sets out to find his father's different temple and seek answers there. The Red Dragon Clan operate heavily in the area, as their master Daegon has them waiting for Taven's arrival, meaning they murdered all his father's worshippers inside the temple and had stolen one of the artifacts left by his parents. The Black Dragon thugs including Kobra and Kira, led by Kabal, learned about the Red Dragon scouts, and prepared to attack the Temple of Argus. Taven happened to stumble upon them as they were preparing to attack and managed to stop them all before entering the temple. When Taven finally entered the Temple of Argus, he stumbled across the four inscriptions on the wall: the first shows his mother having her psychic visions. The second shows his father speaking with the Elder Gods. The third shows the two Guardian Dragons of Edenia: Orin and Caro, with the sleeping sons of Argus under their care. The last inscription reveals Taven and his brother fighting the firespawn Blaze atop the Pyramid of Argus. As Taven continued searching his father's temple for more answers, he was ambushed by zealots of the Red Dragon that were occupying the temple. Then, while navigating the temple, Taven avoids the ancient traps such as the stompers with spikes and statue heads of roaring lions that breath fire. When Taven finally arrived to his father's altar at the center of the temple and placed his hand on it, the ethereal image of Argus suddenly appeared before him urging him to partake in a quest created and set forth for both him and Daegon to save the entire universe from the coming apocalypse.