| - Tarren Mill is a horde occupied base where the Forsaken seek a new plague and plan against the Humans of Southshore. It is more of a hamlet next to a large feild then a town, yet it does have a chapel and graveyard
- The township of Tarren Mill was originally a coastal town in the Tarren Mill region of Lordaeron (shown to be southwest of Alterac) during the Second War. King Terenas had ordered Alliance forces to the town in order to free elven archers that had been captured in the region, and were being held in a nearby prison camp. The elves had sent along a force of elven archers to assist the Alliance soldiers in the task, as well as plans for an elven lumber mill.
- Presently a foward base for the Forsaken, Tarren Mill once found conflict against the Non-Horde factions; many of these factions being the straggling remnants of the "Old" Kingdom of Lordaeron. The Forsaken, led by High Executor Darthalia, have successfully eliminated the remaining factions. Asserting Forsaken, and therefore Horde, control of Tarren Mill.
| - Presently a foward base for the Forsaken, Tarren Mill once found conflict against the Non-Horde factions; many of these factions being the straggling remnants of the "Old" Kingdom of Lordaeron. The Forsaken, led by High Executor Darthalia, have successfully eliminated the remaining factions. Asserting Forsaken, and therefore Horde, control of Tarren Mill. Its atmosphere is now plagued by semi-hazardous gases, and the village itself is controlled by Forsaken taskmasters. These Forsaken vary from the casual and still surprisingly ambitious innkeepers to combat-abberations affiliated with, and constructed by, the Royal Apothecary Society within the Forsaken capital, the Undercity.
- Tarren Mill is a horde occupied base where the Forsaken seek a new plague and plan against the Humans of Southshore. It is more of a hamlet next to a large feild then a town, yet it does have a chapel and graveyard
- The township of Tarren Mill was originally a coastal town in the Tarren Mill region of Lordaeron (shown to be southwest of Alterac) during the Second War. King Terenas had ordered Alliance forces to the town in order to free elven archers that had been captured in the region, and were being held in a nearby prison camp. The elves had sent along a force of elven archers to assist the Alliance soldiers in the task, as well as plans for an elven lumber mill. When the soldiers reached Tarren Mill they discovered that the elven archers had already prepared the village for war. They had located their captured brethren, and were ready to seek revenge. The enemy camp was too far inland for Alliance warships to assist so they made preparations to march the next day. The Alliance forces made several raids from the town before attacking the Horde prison camp. The soldiers returned to Tarren Mill and immediately sent word of their success. A day later an elven destroyer arrived at the town with orders for the force to board ship and sail to Southshore where the battles were becoming more common. While the reason is not clear, Tarren Mill was eventually moved inland northeast of Southshore (and southeast of Alterac). Humans once ran this mill, but it fell to the Scourge, and later the Forsaken. The undead, led by High Executor Darthalia, attacked Hillsbrad’s citizens mercilessly. Tarren Mill was once a thriving human town, but was destroyed and taken over by the Scourge, then by the Forsaken soon after the Battle of Mount Hyjal. The town was the site of a major battle between the Orcish Horde and the Alliance of Lordaeron during the days of the Second War.