| - Patrickville is a very rich city created by the Patrick Star clones in the year of 1594. A republic was made on March 20, 1594. Everyday, Patrickville has about 3,500 clones of Patrick, 24,000 houses, and 630 baby clones created everyday. Patrickville has very many buildings such as places to eat, grocery stores, stores, headquarters and more! The houses are very much like Patrick Star's except that they have underground cellars to store money, LEGO, and their other possessions. The Patrickville Community Center is full of fun with a tunnel maze and a little kids area, a pool area and more! The Patrick Park Reserve is a big park reserve in Patrickville. It has a big playground, a small playground a, nature center, and a bunch of trails. The city of Patrickville is always making/cloning obj
| - Patrickville is a very rich city created by the Patrick Star clones in the year of 1594. A republic was made on March 20, 1594. Everyday, Patrickville has about 3,500 clones of Patrick, 24,000 houses, and 630 baby clones created everyday. Patrickville has very many buildings such as places to eat, grocery stores, stores, headquarters and more! The houses are very much like Patrick Star's except that they have underground cellars to store money, LEGO, and their other possessions. The Patrickville Community Center is full of fun with a tunnel maze and a little kids area, a pool area and more! The Patrick Park Reserve is a big park reserve in Patrickville. It has a big playground, a small playground a, nature center, and a bunch of trails. The city of Patrickville is always making/cloning objects for the city such as technology, toys, and other things. Followed by the Patrick Highway, Suburban Patrick is another street built by The Patricks. Some of the houses are built by the Patrick Clones and some are just cloned. The roads are always paved by other Patrick Clones. The technology in Patrickville is computers, calculators, and inventions. In 1910, a deadly earthquake destroyed all the Patrick's and every soul was teleported 100 years into the future. The greatest piece of technology in Patrickville ever, which was actually not made by the Patrick Clones, but made by Sandy Cheeks in Patrick Copy, the tool that made Patrickville its rich and hugely populated city, was called The Cloning Device or what the Patrick Clones call it, The Patrick's Cloner. The second Patrick's Cloner was made when the creator of the first billion Patrick Clones, Patrick Star held onto the cloning device and twisted the cloning device around and cloned the cloning device making the cloning device's clone. Then the clone of the cloning device was cloned 1 billion times, reviving the souls from 1910 and so was the original cloning device. Soon every Patrick clone had a cloning device and soon all the Patrick clones were cloned. That was how the population grew so large. All the money in Patrickville was cloned too. But the cloning device wasn't actually the whole beginning. It all started out when Patrick Star started cloning himself. Soon there was not enough space in Bikini Bottom for all the Patrick Clones. So Patrick and SpongeBob had to take them to a whole different universe which had nothing in it. Thats when the Patrick clones started creating the city of Patrickville. A business in Patrickville, called Patrick Copy was opened to make money for expanding the city with houses and to help expand the city with Patricks. Movies are filmed about life in Patrickville a lot. There are 6 movies so far. They show how Patrickville develops. A lot of stuff is not filmed but a lot of the important stuff is. One movie was showing how Patrickville was being expanded with houses and roads and Patricks. The main roads in Patrickville are Patrick Avenue, Main Street, Ceder Street and Patrick Street. There are many other streets in Patrickville but they are not the main ones. Patrickville has over 10,000 streets! Sports are not really a big thing in Patrickville but the Patrick clones play one sport they created called Patrickball which is kind of like Basketball but with different rules made up by the the Patrick clones. The TV Programming for Patrickville is exactly the sames as the the TV Programming for Bikini Bottom and New Kelp City. Patrickville has their own TV programming channel and news channel and also channels in HD. The channels on their TVs are always growing. Some channels are only viewable by paying and don't yet have channel numbers. Cloning money is useful for the Patrickville community because, they have to need a lot of power for the Patrickville Government. There is a replica of the Berlin Wall near the Seaweed Avenue Pizza Castle location with a door to get in the town.