| - After Tsukune and the others defeated Raika and continued on their way to save Moka they entered a room with multiple doors; as a method of choosing a path Fang Fang Huang threw some coins to the floor to see which one is safer. As the others continued on the path that Fang Fang predicted it was the safer (although it was full of deadly traps), he stayed behind, knowing that someone was following them and to Fang Fang's surprise that it was a girl: Routier. She attacked Fang Fang, but as he knew she was there as the fortune said there was terrible luck behind them he evaded the attack and said he was the next leader of the Huang Family and that he would be her opponent. She was relieved and happy that he would be her opponent stating that she loves teasing weak people and that he looked the weakest of all. She then created a sound barrier that won´t let any sound to be heard and pulled out a chainsaw and revealed herself to be Fairy Tale's 4th Subdivision leader, she then proceeded to attack Fang Fang, and then asked if she could make him hurt more while blushing which could mean that she could be a sadist. Then she insulted Fang Fang by saying he had the eyes of loser and afterwards she licked him and said she couldn´t believe that he was the boss of her rival family, revealing that she is a member of the Miao Family and then cut into his shoulder with excitement, to the point of screaming of pleasure while cutting him. Luckily, Yukari Sendo stopped her from killing Fang Fang by sending a barrage of tarot cards to knock her off-balance. Routier became enraged, growing two horns from her head, although her true Yokai form remained unrevealed. She charged with her chainsaw towards Yukari but was blocked by Fang Fang's coin sword, who then inflicted a powerful elbow blow named "Senzan Touchuu"(Mountain Piercing Elbow Blow) that sent her flying back, unconscious. She later appeared in the arms of the leader of the Miao Family, Xia-Long Miao, and watched him fight ag ainst Fang Fang with sadistic pleasure. She later appeared with Xia-Long Miao and helped Tsukune and the others fighting Alucard. She used her chainsaw to cut the Alucard's tentacles but realized it kept growing and regenerated, but this actually made her happy and blushed. When Tsukune asked who she is, Fang Fang said that she's "just some crazy sadist".