| - You may be looking for the Karzahni Reviews. Karzahni was the "Brother" of Artakha and the ruler of the island named after him.
- Karzahni was created alongside Artakha by the Great Beings around 100,000 years ago. Soon after their creation, the two beings fought for the fabled Mask of Creation, a battle that Karzahni lost. While his brother chose to make a haven for good Matoran workers, Karzahni chose to take in the bad ones, intending to repair their faults and return them to their homelands. However, his ability to fix the Matoran was not up to par, and he completely rebuilt the Matoran, but into weaker forms. To compensate for his inability to properly repair the Matoran, he gave each of them weapons. He then sent them to the Southern Continent to make sure his failures would not be discovered.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Karzahni is one of the villains in BIONICLE. Although he serves as one of the villains, he eventually became a main antagonist of the 2007 storyline since he was responsible for invading Mahri Nui through of possessing a Barraki called Pridak in search of the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life and conquer the entire Matoran universe and was also the main antagonist in the film-direct-to-video, BIONICLE: The Powers That Be. He was also a brother of Artakha and was a master of Umarak and Devastator.