- The following pet species can be painted Strawberry: Acara, Aisha, Bruce, Buzz, Bori, Blumaroo, Chia, Cybunny, Chomby, Draik, Elephante, Eyrie, Flotsam, Gelert, Gnorbu, Grarrl, Grundo, Ixi, Jetsam, JubJub, Kacheek, Kau, Kiko, Koi, Kougra, Lupe, Meerca, Moehog, Mynci, Nimmo, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Shoyru, Skeith, Techo, Tonu, Tuskaninny, Uni, Usul, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble, Zafara Some petpets can be strawberry, like the Slorg and Doglefox.
- Strawberry adalah orang berbentuk relatif lurus dengan berjenggot panjang. Dia biasanya terlihat dengan mata tertutup, atau setidaknya setengah tertutup. Dia memakai topi standar Marinir lainnya tetapi lebih sedikit panjang dan berjenggot panjang. Seperti banyak Marinir berpangkat tinggi, ia memiliki mantel Marinir standar yang disampirkan di pundaknya seperti jubah. Bawahnya, terdapat kemeja yang terkancing ke kiri dekat leher, ia mengenakan jaket hijau, dengan tali-seperti hiasan di dada, dan celana yang sama.
- The term "Strawberry" is a parody of real-world phone "Blackberry".
- A funghi shaped like a strawberry. Its lower torso is pale pink, while its arms and feet are dull white. A small green stem is on the top of its head.
- After the destruction of Earth-That-Was, strawberries were largely considered a rare delicacy, and usually only the wealthy could afford them. Shepherd Book was able to buy passage off of Persephone with only a little cash and a small amount of fruit, including a box of strawberries. Kaylee proved to be quite fond of them.
- They appear in Bugdom 2. They are found in butterflies. It gives two of the strawberries on the health meter.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ A strawberry is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 1 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Strawberries can be found at farms, as well as growing wild along the West Weald region.
- Strawberry is the wife (former girlfriend) of Milo. She uses a Malibu Stacy lunch box as a purse. Comic Book Guy thinks that Milo's not a true comic book fan since he has a girlfriend, which the kids disagree about. In "The Day the Earth Stood Cool" she makes some brief appearances, along with her husband, Milo. They also have a child of their own.
- It's cute little kuku Part of a special set of characters, Dalki is here for lots of love and cuddles~! (This pets name has been changed to Dalki from Strawberry, which will redirect here.)
- A Strawberry is a mailable Item used in Rank 1.
- The Strawberry is a fruit from the Pac-Man video games that appears in the second levels in several maze games. In classic Pac-Man, it is worth 300 points. In Ms. Pac-Man, can be eaten for 200 points. It even appeared in Pac-Mania for 2,000 points and the Pac-Man Championship Edition games for 1,200 points.
- Vice Admiral Strawberry is a Marine officer, and one of the five vice admirals who led the Buster Call assault on Enies Lobby.
- Strawberry is a NPC in Atlantis Snow Field.
- Strawberry is a fruit.
- Strawberries are an unused fruit in Crash Bandicoot. One appears in a beta picture which shows Crash in an early version of Heavy Machinery. Also in the picture are two other fruits. The purpose of this fruit and the others are currently unknown but it is most likely that these would have had the same function as wumpa fruit.
- It is bordered by Davis to the south, Chamberlain Hills to the south-west and Rancho to the south-east. Pillbox Hill is to the north-west and Mission Row is to the north-east.
- They can occur in as many as seven groups of up to three plants, with a maximum of twenty plants per local map.
- In 2004, Major John Sheppard brought strawberries on a picnic he had with Chaya Sar. (SGA: "Sanctuary") In 2008, strawberries were served on the private plane Dr. Rodney McKay and Dr. Jennifer Keller took to Malcolm Tunney's presentation. (SGA: "Brain Storm") In 2009, Dr. Inman aboard Destiny was using a hydroponics lab to grow a strawberry-like fruit. (SGU: "Space")
- Ichigo Beniyama (紅山苺 Beniyama, Ichigo), better known by her pseudonym Strawberry, is a character in the video game No More Heroes. She introduces herself in full as Red Counterattack Strawberry (赤い逆襲ストロベリー, akai gyakushuu SUTOROBERII). She is a character in the in-game anime series Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly, where she is the first member of the group and pilots Glaston 1, a red-colored land battle mecha. Her weapon is a basic leather whip, while her unit's signature attack is referred to as "Strawberry on the Shortcake."
- Strawberry (ストロベリー, Sutoroberī) est un Vice-Amiral de la Marine. Il est un des vices-amiraux qui participeront au Buster Call d'Enies Lobby avec ses deux navires de guerre, il est aussi le responsable de la mort de Fisher Tiger.
- Strawberry was a Thracian elf who travelled with the Grand Alliance during the Arawn Losstarot War.
- A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste and is best eaten fresh.
- Strawberry is the first original character design from the Japanese company Sanrio, starting in 1962.
- strawberries are sweet and yummy. go eat one right now
- [[Fichier:StrawberryFromInterstate.png|thumb|320px|Vue depuis La Puerta Freeway sur Strawberry]] Strawberry est un quartier de Los Santos dans GTA V et GTA Online. Situé dans l'agglomération de South Los Santos, entre Chamberlain Hills à l'ouest et Rancho à l'est. Ce quartier est bordé par la ville incorporée de Davis au sud.
- Strawberry can also refer to an Extended Palette Color.
- Strawberry è un viceammiraglio del quartier generale della Marina.
- Strawberries are a fruit crop available in FarmVille. New farmers start out with 5 fully grown Strawberries (along with 5 fully grown Eggplants). They can be planted at level 1 and take 4 hours to grow. They cost and can be harvested for . They yield File:XP-icon.png experience when planted. Strawberries are the least expensive crop available and are also one of the best value crops, doubling the farmer's investment every 4 hours (along with Blueberries and Black Berries).
- Strawberries can be used to fish at the Pet Society Pond. They will catch common fish and decorative / junk items. They are also the only item that can catch the Strawberryfish.
- Strawberry es un barrio de Los Santos que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V. En ese barrio vive uno de los tres protagonistas del juego, Franklin Clinton. Este barrio esta basado en Crenshaw, con algunos lugares de Inglewood.
- miniatur|Der Stadtteil auf der Karte miniatur|Der Stadtteil aus der Luft betrachtet miniatur|In Strawberry liegt auch das Vanilla Unicorn Strawberry (dt. Erdbeere) ist ein Stadtteil von Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto V. Er grenzt im Süden an Davis, an Chamberlain Hills im Südwesten und Rancho im Südosten. Im Nordwesten liegt Pillbox Hill und im Nordosten Mission Row. Es hat den Namen von Darryl Strawberry, der aus Crenshaw kommt. Er wird von den Families kontrolliert und basiert auf Crenshaw in Los Angeles.
- In season 3, Strawberry's color has changed to dark-pink and he has a much larger role. He has joined Bigwig's Owsla and is a skilled fighter and digger. He eventually becomes stuck under a tree during a training excerise, and is freed by Dandelion and Hawkbit. After Fiver has a vision of Hawkbit being killed, Strawberry is ordered by Bigwig to keep him in the warren at all times, pinning him to the ground and even fighting Hawkbit at one point. In The Magic, he is seen fighting several of the Darkhaven Owsla, and in the Watership Down warren when the storm takes away General Woundwort and his Darkhaven army.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is E00B24
- Strawberry ist ein Marineoffizier und besitzt zum Zeitpunkt der Schlacht von Marineford den Rang eines Vizeadmirals.
- The sexy Strawberries is the number one fruit of God that he invented to be used during sex. It is often combined with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and occasionally peanut butter, and is generally considered more sexy than Fruit of the Loom™ underwear. Many famous people have been reported to have used strawberries, and in some cases, to have abused them as well. Bastards.
- A strawberry was a variety of fruit native to planet Earth, considered a delicacy throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. Strawberries also acted as a mild narcotic to the Mizarians. Strawberries were a major crop in the equatorial region of one of the moons of the planet Shiralea. (SCE eBook: Fables of the Prime Directive) In 2155, Albert Tucker had grown strawberries in a communal garden in Grangeburg, Alabama. He had planned to serve them with multigrain waffles for breakfast. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- Strawberry (binomial name Fragaria × ananassa) is a widely cultivated and appreciated fruit with characteristic aroma, bright red colour, juicy texture, and sweetness. Strawberries were served as a dessert at the Welcoming Feast of 1991. Professor Armando Dippet had ling and strawberries planted on the mountains around Hogwarts Castle in his time as Headmaster. It is also a known flavour of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and of ice cream.
- He brought her over when they celebrated Marshall passing the bar exam. Presumably Ted started to date her shortly after he broke up with Cathy (Spoiler Alert, when Marshall passes the bar). She is shown to be a vegetarian and dislikes people that cook/eat meat, as seen when the chef was cooking meat, she threw red paint all over the chef shouting "MEAT IS MURDER! AAAHHH!" and storming out.
- Strawberries have the most vitamin C of the berry family. Strawberries have been known since the time of the Greeks and Romans and cultivation of strawberries began in 1624. Commercial growing in America began about 1800 on the east coast of the United States. Strawberries moved west with the pioneers and now there are more than seventy varieties of strawberries, many of which are grown in California and Florida. This familiar fruit is usually available fresh year round with a peak from April to July.
- Alternatively, players can obtain strawberries commonly by stealing from Fruit stalls. When eaten a strawberry heals 1-6 Hitpoints, (6% of the players maximum Hitpoints, rounded up.). Up to 5 strawberries may be put in a fruit basket. A basket full of strawberries has the ability to hold 30 Hitpoints of food (assuming you have a Hitpoints level of 84 or higher), making it the third best healing method in a single slot, beaten by Purple sweets, and then Saradomin brew. Three strawberry baskets are the payment for a farmer to watch over the dwellberry bush and orange tree in the Farming skill.
- thumb|Franklin podczas spaceru wzdłuż dzielnicy Strawberry - dzielnica w Los Santos, w stanie San Andreas, występująca w Grand Theft Auto V. Graniczy od południowego-wschodu z Davis, od północy z Pillbox Hill, oraz od południa z Chamberlain Hills. Jest to terytorium gangu Rodzin z Chamberlain Hills. Dzielnica jest zamieszkana głównie przez uboższych mieszkańców, słynie również z wysokiego wskaźnika przestępczości, oraz wojen gangów, pomiędzy Rodzinami a Ballasami. Północna część dzielnicy jest bardziej zadbana, głównie dlatego że graniczy bezpośrednio ze śródmieściem Los Santos. W Strawberry, swoja pierwszą kryjówkę posiada jeden z trzech protagonistów gry - Franklin Clinton. Na terenie dzielnicy znajduje się również klub ze striptizem - Vanilla Unicorn, który po misji Hang Ten staje się k
- With maximum constitution, the best equipment available and a life point boost from bonfires a total of 10,904 life points can be obtained. This results in each strawberry healing 654 life points. Up to 5 strawberries may be put in a fruit basket. A basket of apples is payment for a farmer to watch over a strawberry patch. Three baskets full of strawberries is the payment for a farmer to watch over the dwellberry bush and orange tree in the Farming skill. They are also an ingredient for making Summer pies at level 95 Cooking. Putting strawberries in a compost bin will make normal compost.
- Como un joven marine, Strawberry llevaba un uniforme de infantería de la Marine y en mitad de su cabeza tenía una cinta con el símbolo de la Marine. Hace diez años tenía una barba fina, tenía los ojos entreabiertos, su pelo era recto hacia arriba debido a su cabeza y en su punta llevaba una gorra de la Marine. Llevaba un traje (verdoso en el anime) con una camisa más oscura acompañada de una corbata blanca, sus zapatos eran marrones. Al igual que los otros altos mandos de la Marine, llevaba puesta una capa oficial de la Marine como parte de su uniforme.
- Up to 5 strawberries may be put in a fruit basket. A basket of apples is payment for a farmer to watch over a strawberry patch. Three baskets full of strawberries is the payment for a farmer to watch over the dwellberry bush and orange tree in the Farming skill. They are also an ingredient for making Summer pies at level 95 Cooking. Putting strawberries in a compost bin will make normal compost.
- There was a close relation to the strawberry on Risa. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights") Strawberries were among the fruit that Groppler Zorn offered to Commander Riker when he first visited his office on Deneb IV. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) Jake Sisko had strawberries and orange juice for breakfast one morning in 2372. (DS9: "Indiscretion") Seven of Nine was fond of strawberries, though she did not recall that she had enjoyed eating them as a young girl. (VOY: "Author, Author")