The Ikengge is the currency of the Sovereign Communicative Order of Sino-Korea. It is a generally stable currency worth around 0.0890 of a US dollar. The SCOSK government currently prints it in seven banknotes: Ɨ10, Ɨ30, Ɨ99, Ɨ100, Ɨ300, Ɨ1000, and Ɨ3000. Coins come in denominations of Ɨ1•0 (one quarter), Ɨ2•0 (two quarters), Ɨ3•0 (three quarters), 1, 3, and 10. Denominations such as Ɨ14.75 will be expressed that way in calculation, on computers, or for formal purposes, or Ɨ3•14 in practice.
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| - The Ikengge is the currency of the Sovereign Communicative Order of Sino-Korea. It is a generally stable currency worth around 0.0890 of a US dollar. The SCOSK government currently prints it in seven banknotes: Ɨ10, Ɨ30, Ɨ99, Ɨ100, Ɨ300, Ɨ1000, and Ɨ3000. Coins come in denominations of Ɨ1•0 (one quarter), Ɨ2•0 (two quarters), Ɨ3•0 (three quarters), 1, 3, and 10. Denominations such as Ɨ14.75 will be expressed that way in calculation, on computers, or for formal purposes, or Ɨ3•14 in practice.
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currency name in local
| - Chinese: Yuán
- Korean: Won
- Manchu/English: Ikegge
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issuing authority
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| - The Ikengge is the currency of the Sovereign Communicative Order of Sino-Korea. It is a generally stable currency worth around 0.0890 of a US dollar. The SCOSK government currently prints it in seven banknotes: Ɨ10, Ɨ30, Ɨ99, Ɨ100, Ɨ300, Ɨ1000, and Ɨ3000. Coins come in denominations of Ɨ1•0 (one quarter), Ɨ2•0 (two quarters), Ɨ3•0 (three quarters), 1, 3, and 10. Denominations such as Ɨ14.75 will be expressed that way in calculation, on computers, or for formal purposes, or Ɨ3•14 in practice.