| - The laava (singular laav) are the four Shabads (sacred hymns) of the Anand Karaj (Sikh wedding ceremony). They form the central part of the marriage ceremony. The "four rounds" ("char phaara") as they are sometimes called form central part of this auspicious occasion. The four Shabads are from the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy scriptures and appear on pages 773 to 774 of the total of 1430 page of the holy Granth. Guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh Guru tells us on page 788 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib about the meaning of marriage to a Sikh couple – Effectively, the Guru defines a Sikh marriage in these 2 lines: "They are not said to be husband and wife who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies." Thus the partnership of marriage is given a special meaning - a new dimension. For a union of marriage to be successful, the two personalities have to merge into one – a spiritual bonding through understanding and love. The Guru through the four laava give the Sikh couple further spiritual guidance for their life together. The Guru tell the Sikhs of the four golden rules of married life. These rules start very clearly to define the path to be treaded together in this sacred union. The Shabads inform us how the couple as a team have to first begin by following the path of righteousness and sinless-ness. The primary golden rule of "blissful union" is to be truthful and sinless in our conduct first to each other and then to others. The rest of the Laav then tells us how one can be truthful and keep away from falsehood. You can only tread the path of Dharm and righteousness if you remember God through His Name or Naam – Recite His name and you will keep to the straight and narrow and temptation will diminish. In the second round, the Guru tells us to remove egotism (Humai) from within our minds. Remove the "I" from your mind and concentrate on "we" and "us". Then with fear of the Lord, remember Him and sing His praises. If you do this together, then the sound of God ("anhad shabad") will reverberate within the both of you in resonance. In the third round, the Guru tell us that your minds will be filled with divine love and in the company of the holy congregation Sangat, your destiny will be revealed before you. Finally, as Gurmukhs, the couple will find divine peace and you will have arrived to your final destination, with the Lord; He will dominate your mind and your domain; Naam with flow in your heart; you will have realised your destiny and obtain the ultimate "union of bliss" – absolute Anand; you will "have found the Eternal Lord God".