Objects, places, and characters that exist to impede the progress of others, and the methods used to do so.
* Absurdly Ineffective Barricade
* Barrier Warrior
* Beef Gate
* Berserk Board Barricade
* Big Door
* Bouncer
* Broken Bridge
* Caltrops
* Cash Gate
* Chokepoint Geography
* Clockworks Area
* Containment Field
* Deadly Rotary Fan
* Death Course
* Advancing Wall of Doom
* Bottomless Pits
* Corridor Cubbyhole Run
* Laser Hallway
* Pit Trap
* Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom
* Spikes of Doom
* Steam Vent Obstacle
* Death Trap
* Descending Ceiling
* Fake Platform
* Indy Escape
* Trap Door
* The Walls Are Closing In
* Dronejam
* Forbidden Zone
* Ick Barrier
* Imp
Objects, places, and characters that exist to impede the progress of others, and the methods used to do so.
* Absurdly Ineffective Barricade
* Barrier Warrior
* Beef Gate
* Berserk Board Barricade
* Big Door
* Bouncer
* Broken Bridge
* Caltrops
* Cash Gate
* Chokepoint Geography
* Clockworks Area
* Containment Field
* Deadly Rotary Fan
* Death Course
* Advancing Wall of Doom
* Bottomless Pits
* Corridor Cubbyhole Run
* Laser Hallway
* Pit Trap
* Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom
* Spikes of Doom
* Steam Vent Obstacle
* Death Trap
* Descending Ceiling
* Fake Platform
* Indy Escape
* Trap Door
* The Walls Are Closing In
* Dronejam
* Forbidden Zone
* Ick Barrier
* Impassable Desert
* Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence
* Involuntary Group Split
* Locked Door
* Malevolent Architecture
* Mobstacle Course
* Moment Killer
* Mook Bouncer
* Only the Worthy May Pass
* Only Idiots May Pass
* Only Smart People May Pass
* Parachute in A Tree
* Plot Lock
* Point of No Return
* Sea Mine
* Space Mines
* Threshold Guardians
* Wannabe Line
* Watching a Video Game
* You Have to Burn The Web
* You Shall Not Pass