| - Float is an effect which can be gained from several different items such as; wings, feathers cloak. While floating you avoid bad things on the ground, such as acid pools, potion pools, falling into wells, and gravity-activated traps. By giving pets equipment with the float effect, you succesfully nullify the risk having them drown in wells etc. Float is nullified by Gravity.
- Float is
- Float is a movie.
- The float property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements. This property specifies that an element should be taken from the normal flow and placed along the left or right side of its container, where text and inline elements will wrap around it.
- The calculator will not make sure that an answer has a certain number of decimal places, as it would with the Fix command.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Float is slower boat part, it can drive on water. It costs 1470 G.
- [[Category:]] Float was a spell unique to Zakhara, the Land of Fate. This spell was only usable by wizards.
- El Float fue un vehículo beta que fue eliminado en la versión final de Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Solo se sabe que habría sido un vehículo lento, como un tren o tren de carga. Pero, si se trata de un tren con levitación magnética, por lo cual el nombre iba a ser el vehiculo.
- Float is the class of floating point numbers. It uses the double type of the underlying C environment. Inherits: <a href="/mediawiki/Numeric" title="Numeric">Numeric</a>. Mixins: <a href="/mediawiki/Comparable" title="Comparable">Comparable</a> (from Numeric), <a href="/mediawiki/Precision" title="Precision">Precision</a>.
- Float — вырезанное транспортное средство в GTA San Andreas. От него осталась только информация в фале handling.cfg. Он показывает, что это транспортное средство было тихоходным, как поезд или лодка (вероятнее всего именно второй вариант, т.к. Float переводится как поплавок).
- From the game Banjo Tooie for the Nintendo 64. Go to Jolly Roger Lagoon. Go into Pawno's place, which is near the entrance to the level. Go behind the corner and over to the boxes. Jump on the bottom one, where a little bit of it is jutting out. Walk over to the wall at the left and you should bounce back and forth between the wall and box oddly. Keep on moving around in that area, and eventually you will be standing on a very small invisible platform that makes it look like you are floating. However, it is very easy to fall off. Submitted by: Mike
- Floats are a that describe floating point numbers. Floating point numbers include a mantisse and a exponent of 2. An example: In ther the 1.42 is the mantisse and the 7 is the exponent. The range of this numbers are 64-Bit numbers (on a 64-Bit computer) with a maximum exponent of 127 - BIAS where the BIAS is 127 (by convention). Note that in Python there does not exist floats with double precision (double).
- The float keyword defines a variable as a 32-bit floating point number. Typically, 32-bit floating point numbers can range in value from 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38 (positive or negative).
- Float is a lunar spell usable for members. When cast the caster is lifted into the air and floats around. While in this state players can not be harmed by melee attacks. They can however be hit by ranged and magic and if they are successfully hit doing damage, they fall to the ground reducing defense by 10 levels. While floating they can not interact with anything and can only chat or move around. This is ideal for traveling safely in places where all the enemies use only melee. Players can end the float by pressing the land button that appears.
- The Float was a beta vehicle that was cut in the final version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Only its handling data exists. Its handling files and name suggest that it was to be a parade float.
- The following template is known to be broken and should be fixed soon.{| width="35%" align="right" style="margin-left:3px; margin-bottom:3px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background:#A8A878; border:3px solid #6D6D4E" |- | align="center" colspan="2" | FloatただようFloat |- | colspan="2" align="center" style="border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background: #999999; border:1px solid #6D6D4E" | Battle Data
- Float, also known as Hover and Levitate, is a recurring status effect that causes its victim to hover a small distance (or larger, depending on the source) above ground. It is also the recurring name of the basic spell causing this effect. Float can have benefitial as well as harmful consequences for those affected, depending on the situation. Because its positive effects generally outweigh its downsides, it is classed as Green Magic.
- A float value is a numerical entry that contains a decimal point. For example, 5.3 would be a float value. Few fields in Civ 4 utilize a Float value, instead it is typical to find a value referenced as a Percentage, to be divided by 100 and thus bypassing the "no decimal" structure of Intergers, partially. This practice results in the dropping of anything beyond the second decimal though, so many equations do not work out to be completely accurate. This is most notable for percentage shifts under 10%, like the 3% bonus to Science from Mind Mana For example:
- A Float is essentially a flying house in the world of Skystone. Because of the spreading of haze this kind of housing was the only safe possibility left. Its construction is quite simple, as it is a building attached to a platform, held in the air thanks to a giant balloon. All Floats are organized in clusters, floating around Nidaria. Each player receives one Float for his own per account. Because of the way the float system is implemented, the actual in-game characters are not tied to the Float, and Floats are not tied to their characters. The Float is tied to the username (account) of the player, so one float is used by all characters of that player.
- I'm gonna fall Head first and fast like an avalanche Maybe I' II land, maybe I' II crash I' II take the chance 'Cause there's nothing but air in between me and everything Nothing to keep me from flying aimlessly Shamelessly laughing at destiny. And no one knows how high I go Or what makes the atmosphere glow. I could follow the narrow road Or maybe I' II let it all go And just float. I'm gonna live Headstrong and wild like a golden child. All of the while I' II be taking each breath with a mile-wide smile 'Cause there's nothing but ground below, Why should I take it slow? Status quo isn't so great