| - OWO-1 — боевой дроид-командир OOM, произведённый компанией «Боевые автоматы Бактоид» для службы в армии дроидов Торговой федерации. В 32 ДБЯ дроид находился на «Саак'аке», одном из крейсеров Федерации, участвовавших в блокаде планеты Набу. Находясь на борту «Саак'ака», отряд OWO-1 получил приказ уничтожить останки двух республиканских послов, мастера-джедая Квай-Гона Джинна и его падавана Оби-Вана Кеноби, якобы отравленных ядовитыми парами диоксиса. Джедаи, однако, сумели пережить покушение на свои жизни и перебить весь прибывший отряд боевых дроидов, включая его командира.
- [Source] OWO-1 est un droïde de combat B1 commandant une escouade de droïde dans le croiseur Saak'ak de Nute Gunray en 32 av.BY. Gunray le chargea de vérifier si les Jedi étaient bien mort après les avoir gazé. Il partit avec son escouade dans lequel se trouve notamment SSA-1015. Les deux Jedi n'étaient pas mort et détruirent tous les droïdes avant d'affronter les droïdeka P-59 et P-60.
- OWO-1 was an OOM command battle droid sent by Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to make certain that Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, had been killed by a dose of deadly dioxis gas which had previously been inserted inside the room in which the two Jedi were waiting. Leading his squad of security droids into the gas-filled room, OWO-1 discovered that the gas had not functioned as intended, and before he could react he and the rest of his squad were destroyed by the Jedi.
- OWO-1 was a Battle Droid Commander sent by Trade Federation's Viceroy Nute Gunray to make certain that Quin Gon Jinn and his young apprentice, Obi Wan Kanobi, had died by the dose of deadly dioxis gas which had previously been inserted inside the room in which the two Jedi were waiting. Leading his squad of Security Droids into the gas-filled room, OWO-1 discovered that the gas as had not functioned as intended, and before he could react he and the rest of his droids within his squad were destroyed by the surviving Jedi.