| - Hair color: BlackEye color: RedNationality: Unknown
- Ringo is the name of Edd's cat. He is grey with black stripes.
- Ringo is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Jason James Richter.
- Volk Goblin Art Zugehörigkeit Mutter Vater Partner/-in Geschwister Kinder Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Marschalls Wehr,Feuersäulengrat Gebiet Krater von Un'Goro Status Stufe Stufe Ringo ist ein Goblin im Krater von Un'Goro. Er war gerade dabei, die Gegend um den Feuersäulengrat zu erkunden, als die Hitze plötzlich unerträglich wurde und der Goblin einen Hitzschlag erlitt.
- Ringo is a member of S-Class Mullencamp and is working under Captain Grace Ripley.
- Ringo es el perro de Gaby y Gusty. Este simpático perrito suele ser el eje de muchas controversias, principalmente cuando se decide si se queda adentro o afuera de la casa. Gaby y Gusty mantienen posturas tan opuestas como las corrientes ideológicas que defienden: el Ringoafuerismo y el Ringoadentrismo.
- Ringo (鈴瑚 Ringo) es un conejo lunar que aparece como boss 2 en Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Categoría:Personajes
- Ringo was a pimp that worked in Farmington.
- Ringo (リンゴ) is a vampire hunter, a solar child and the first person to wield the Gun del Sol, a Solar Gun created by Smith. He is married with Mani and is the father of Django and Sabata.
- Real Name: Ringo the Cat Case: Unusual Phenomenon Location: Bowling Green, Ohio Date: August 1995
- Ringo (aka the Inner Optimist) is one of Luke Mochrie's two personalities. Ringo represents Luke's more cheerful and optimistic side when it comes to reviewing films. He has also been known to get sidetracked in his own thoughts, helped only by Phillip keeping him on track. Though he normally is optimistic, he has admitted that does hate Skyfall.
- Ringo, también conocido como El Poderoso Ringo (Ultimate Ringo en E.U.A. y Súper Ringo en España), es un personaje creado por Steven, que hace de antagonista en el episodio "El Universo de Garnet", cuando imaginó una historia acerca de lo que Garnet había realizado en su día. Steven se basó en Ronaldo para crearlo.
- When Ringo was younger she wore a longer kimono. Her hair is styled the same way but without the chain pieces at the ends.
- Ringo ist Mitglied der Karminrote Karawanen-Kompanie und lebt zu Spielbeginn von Fallout: New Vegas in Goodsprings.
- Blue is the cyber-space alias of a Whateley student who talks with Merry, who is using the alias 'Arc'. Blue appears a fair amount of the time that Merry is in cyber-space. He's got a serious fascination for Tron. As mentioned below, there is good reason to believe that Blue is actually Ringo.
- Ringo es un comerciante de Caravanas Crimson que se oculta en Goodsprings en 2281.
- Ringo is a koala that Captain Kamble brought to the preschool in "Blockheads."
- Ringo estas algebra strukturo (R, +, ·) tiel, kiel
* (R, +) estas komuteca grupo,
* (R, ·) estas duongrupo kaj
* la aksiomoj de distribueco validas:
* (a + b) · c = a·c + b·c
* a · (b + c) = a·b + a·c La substrukturoj de ringoj estas la idealoj kaj subringoj (tiuj ĉi estas subaroj, kiuj mem estas ringoj kun la samaj operacioj, kaj kun la sama unu se ringoj devas esti unuhavantaj). Se vi ne komprenis tion, demandu al blondulino. 300px|right
- Ringo - handlarz Karmazynowej Karawany ukrywający się w Goodsprings.
- Ringo is a trader for the Crimson Caravan hiding out in Goodsprings in 2281.
- Ringo or Pumpkin is the boyfriend of Yolanda and a petty thief of liquor stores. Each time he regrets making a crime and plans always to quit and start robbing banks, only to forget what he said and go on. One day, while sitting with Yolanda in a coffee shop discussing about the issues they are encountering, he decided to rob the very restaurant they were sitting in.
- He starts the quest File:Neutral 15.png [55] A Little Help From My Friends. See List of Un'Goro Crater NPCs.
- Ringo est un caravanier, s'étant réfugié à Goodsprings suite à un règlement de compte avec les Poudriers. Lorsque Ringo passa une frontière, les Poudriers l'auraient attaqué comme des sauvages, Ringo dû en tuer quelques uns afin de passer (Selon la version de Joe Cobb, Ringo a refusé de payer les Poudriers et donc en tua pour continuer son chemin). Il ne connaissait pas Goodsprings avant, ce n'était que le coin le plus proche pour se réfugier. Les habitants le cachèrent à la station-service Poseidon Energy. Ringo travaille pour la Crimson Caravan Company et se trouve être un amateur de Caravan.
- Ringo is a stevedore in the second season. He considers leaving the trade because of financial difficulty but receives a gift from Frank Sobotka that convinces him to stay.
- Ring-a-Levio or simply Ringo was the pet dog of Roland Deschain. They spent a lot of their time together along the shores of Lake Soroni on vacations.
- Ringo was the leader of a gang which was robbing spectators at the opening of the Statue of Judgement in 2099. He was shot by Judge Joe Dredd.
- Ringo ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh in der Zoosafari Fasanolandia in Fasano in der süditalienischen Region Apulien. Ringo wurde etwa 1970 geboren. Angaben über ihre Herkunft fehlen. Etwa 1972 kam sie dem EEP-Zuchtbuch zufolge in den Park in Fasano, wo sie seitdem lebt. Ebenfalls laut Zuchtbuch traf sie dort zusammen mit ihren künftigen, langjährigen Gefährtinnen Bambi und Robin ein und teilt sich mit ihnen einen Teilanlage in Fasano.