| - The Kallumites (more frequently called the "Masters") were a mysterious sentient race native to the hostile planet Lum. Assumed to be the original inhabitants of the planet, they were extremely scientifically advanced, as demonstrated by the fact that they managed to eke out a sizable empire on a planet where life should have been impossible, and managed to import and genetically modify a number of extra-planetary species, including humans (who were turned into the Baquin), caprids (quiluks), and simians (jaberiks). They also showed a certain skill at organizing these imported species in a way that preserved their own dominance—the quiluks, having been adapted to inhale carbon monoxide and exhale oxygen, were used to provide air for the Baquin, while the Baquin provided labor, and the jabe
| - The Kallumites (more frequently called the "Masters") were a mysterious sentient race native to the hostile planet Lum. Assumed to be the original inhabitants of the planet, they were extremely scientifically advanced, as demonstrated by the fact that they managed to eke out a sizable empire on a planet where life should have been impossible, and managed to import and genetically modify a number of extra-planetary species, including humans (who were turned into the Baquin), caprids (quiluks), and simians (jaberiks). They also showed a certain skill at organizing these imported species in a way that preserved their own dominance—the quiluks, having been adapted to inhale carbon monoxide and exhale oxygen, were used to provide air for the Baquin, while the Baquin provided labor, and the jaberiks proved sufficient at keeping the Baquin under control through brute force. For centuries, little else was known about the Kallumites, as they were brutally exterminated when the Baquin revolted against them. Though much of their technology was preserved, almost every depiction of them, be it in portraiture or sculpture, was destroyed during the uprising. Few Baquin even remembered what the Masters looked like—some legends said the Masters were giants, while other legends said they were actually quite small. The Baquin never When the Baquin abandoned Lum during the Imperial era (having been given the planet Rapyuta in recognition of their loyalty to the Empire), Imperial archaeologists decided to brave the dangers of Lum's surface in order to learn more about how any sentient life could have developed there, with an eye towards using their findings to help bring new life to planets destroyed during the Jedi Civil War. Searching through the city-domes that dotted the planet's surface, they discovered Jabik hieroglyphs on the walls of Jaberik cells depicting tall, skinny beings with black skin and large red eyes standing over the Jaberiks. The archaeologists hypothesized that these were the Masters, but they also found a few preserved skeletons of a much smaller species. Whether or not the smaller skeletons were Kallumites or members of an extinct slave species was never determined.