| - Ari (Pronunciation: /ɑri/) is an elf and Luctiana's fiancé. He and Luctiana went to the De Ornielle mansion to capture Tiffania and ended up kidnapping Saito as well. Ari reluctantly goes with the humans after escaping the Elves' territory with Saito and Tiffania. As they went to Tabitha's coronation in Gallia, Arie quickly learns that humans aren't much different from elves. Ari and Guiche get along later after seeing that his relationship with Montmorency is similar to his own relationship with Luctiana.
- Ari was Kyle Kelner's business partner. They were property managers.
- Ari is an agent in the Department of Implausible Crossovers, recently transferred from Floaters.
- Ari was the second son of King Horik. As the son of a king, Ari was a Buthlungr, or 'Prince' of Denmark.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Ari – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Ari était un soldat Cardassien au 24ème siècle.
- Ari war eine Jägerin und verfolgte einmal gemeinsam mit seinen Jagdgefährten, Valdr und Niels, einen Bären in der Moosmutterhöhle. Dort wurden sie jedoch von Zweiglingen überrascht. Ari und Niels wurden getötet, während Valdr fliehen konnte. Gemeinsam mit dem Drachenblut tötet Valdr schließlich die Zweiglinge und bestattet seine beiden Gefährten.
- Ari is an anti-immigrant campaigner who appears in one Moon Man song, the unreleased WhiteTopia track "The New WhiteTopia".
- Ari is the villain in the Third Saga of the W.I.T.C.H. comic book series, and later on, part of the supporting cast in later sagas of the same comic book.
- Ari was another synthetic Xenomorph alongside Norbert. She too was companions with Mac.
- Ari es una cazadora de raza nórdica que puede ser encontrada muerta dentro de la Caverna de la Madre Musgo, en la comarca de Falkreath, durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Ari is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog television series. He is an anthropomorphic ram and the leader of a band of Freedom Fighters.
- [[Plik:3x10-091-ari.jpg|thumb|Ari, używający dotyku śmierci]][[Plik:3x10-051-demon-kids.jpg|thumb|left|Demoniczne dzieci: Ari, Freckles, (Nieznany)]] Ari jest jednym z demonicznych dzieci, które były łapane przez Lodziarza. Chłopiec ten posiadał dar Dotyku śmierci, najpierw przez pomyłkę został uratowany przez Prue, a następnie unicestwiony przez Nicość. W postać tą wcielił się Bobby Edner.
- Ari : Ehe , hejka , zaprezentuję wam coś ciekawego .. zobaczczie ! . Przepraszam za dyskleksję ! Nie potrafię składać słup . Hehe .. Ari ; To jest kanapka , kanapką która jezst z .. Sama nie wiem .. Ari : AA , to jest dżemolada z pasztetem i masłem orzechuwym .. Hehe .. Ari : Ojej coś mi nieco kapło . Pszepraszam Hehe ...
- The protagonist of Okage, Ari is a teenager who is quite overshadowed, to the point where everybody who does care recognizes it. Easily overlooked by many, he doesn't really seem to mind much at all. Often disciplined by the woman who runs Tenel's bakery for his quietness, he doesn't even seem to change.
- Virus.DOS.Ari.1962 or Ari is a non-memory resident parasitic virus that runs on MS-DOS.
- Ari is a central supporting character in the Planet of the Apes (2001) movie. She is played by Helena Bonham Carter, partner of the movie's director Tim Burton.
- Ari was the ringleader of a group of demonic children trapped in the Ice Cream Truck. Despite his young and innocent appearance, he was a powerful demon with the Touch of Death.
- Ari, labeled as The Awkward Sweetheart, is a contestant in Total Drama Tokyo. She was placed on the Total Drama Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candied Fish Tails team.
- Ari is a Druid sorcerer, and an ally of Morgana Pendragon during her war against Camelot. Ari is brought before Morgana, who forces him to use magic which he does, and then Morgana has him held down. Ari begs her to stop, but she places a magical creature on him which drains his magic away. Morgana then forces Ari to use magic again, and he does, being threatened about the well being of his family, but nothing happens, revealing that he has been robbed of his magic. Later, Mordred explains to her that she lost a powerful ally, but she replies that now she knows that they can win the war.
- Ari was an armed associate of Gabriel Schector during Day 7.
- Ari was a Cardassian male in the 24th century who enlisted in the Cardassian Guard and served as a foot soldier and personal assistant for Legate Tekeny Ghemor in 2371. While in service, he idolized Ghemor and considered him to be a great man for risking everything his position had granted him for the Cardassian dissident movement. Ari proceeded to join the movement. Ghemor, fearing his daughter Iliana (really Kira Nerys) would be taken away by Obsidian Order agents, arranged for Ari to get Kira to safety. However, Corbin Entek and two other Obsidian agents arrived and Ari was shot by Entek and killed. (DS9 episode: "Second Skin")
- He's childhood friends with Tora and has feelings for her and protects her, his best friend is John and has a frienemy relationship with Marine Ari is outgoing, optimistic, fun-loving, proud, and fearless when it comes to both the battlefield and social situations, he gets jealous sometimes when Kajan is with Tora, he doesnt trust Liam a lot but starts trusting him but he doesnt like him a lot. He was surprised to find out that Jeremy. was alive but shocked to find out that he thinks Beastland is a horrible place. He's 18 years old
- The ARI is one of Norman's greatest tools in crime solving. It consists of a pair of glasses, a solitary glove and a boot. The glasses follow verbal commands, and have a magical links to the Varrock city archives, allowing Norman to access a wealth of information. They also have access to the ALEEPA Criminal Archives, allowing Norman to access data of fingerprints, criminal records, character profiles and the evidence database.
- Aurorai Robotikai Intézet, melyet főleg azért hoztak létre, hogy megkezdje az ember formájú robotok sorozatgyártását. Erre azért lett volna szükség, hogy ezeket a robotokat küldhessék ki újabb világok meghódítására. Ők ugyanis könnyen megállták volna a helyüket olyan mostoha körülmények között is, ahol az ember tehetetlen, de emberi formájuk miatt olyan világot teremtettek volna, amely az utánuk érkező igazi emberek igényeinek is megfelel. Munkálataikat a Globalista Párt támogatta. Lassan haladtak a fejlesztéssel, mert az első két ember formájú robot tervezője s megalkotója, dr. Dr. Han Fastolfe nem árulta el építési módszerét. A Humanista Párt vezetőjeként ugyanis az volt a véleménye, hogy robotjainak ilyen módon való felhasználása csak az emberiség további elkényelmesedéséhez és dekadenc
- Ari looks remarkably like Hina, even adopting her mother's pink hair, which is what lead Ari to believe that Hina really was her biological mother after Smoker confirmed it. Ari is a tall, curvy woman whose facial features and serious expressions resemble that of her mother. Before the time skip, Ari wore a simple white cropped tank top that exposed her belly as well as green army pants. She wore brown combat boots and a brown, leather belt with holsters for the two knives she used for fighting. She also wore her signature pink hair down and had short side bangs.
- Ari was a young farmer in the world of Arkhanta. A man of little means, he struggled to make ends meet. His wife, Jamayeda, died giving birth to his son, Maqi, who was born mute and obviously a loner, for he lived in his own little world. Since then, Ari searched incessantly for a way to rid his son of his strange affliction, consulting the land's wisest physicians and scholars, but none could help Maqi, for science could do nothing for the young troubled boy.
- Ari was "born" in a fringe space station orbiting Saturn populated exclusively by a group of semi-cultists who believe that true communion with the universe and one's self can only be obtained by flight. As such, each and every person in the colony (which has a very large bio-dome with plenty of room for flight) inhabits a neo-avian body, and all newcomers are transfered immediately. Ari didn't take to the rituals and strenuous rules of the colony, and hijacked one of the station's shuttles the very moment she could.