| - A comical Machinima Fanfic based on Star Wars, filmed using Jedi Academy. Set shortly prior to the events of the Original Trilogy (and eventually overlapping with the first movie,) "An Empire Revisited" follows the story of an ensemble of Imperial Stormtroopers assigned the mind-numbingly boring task of patrolling the corridors of the Death Star. The soldiers spend a couple of episodes indulging in goofy hijinks aboard the Death Star, Work Com style, before finally being sent to infiltrate a rebel base. From there, the usual roles of the factions in the Star Wars universe get reversed: the stormtroopers are our plucky misfit heroes, while the rebels are an evil terrorist organization. It can be viewed here.
* All There in the Manual - There's about as much characterization on the "Major Characters" and "Minor Characters" page on the website as there is in the actual Machinima.
* Badass - Darth Vader, even moreso than in the source material.
* Black Comedy Rape
* Ax Crazy - Cat Man. Made downright creepy by the fact that he meows like a cat while he kills people.
* Bilingual Bonus
* Blunt Metaphors Trauma - "There's nothing funny about shit." Also:
* Lt. Turner: "Where's Rax?"
* Civilian: "Probably up your ass!"
* Lt. Turner: "Landowski, check my ass!"
* Catch Phrase - Scooper: "I scoop."
* Commander Groll: "Tosh!"
* Comedic Sociopathy
* Continuity Overlap - It overlaps with A New Hope towards the end.
* Contrived Coincidence - Mc Gribble fails to get the location of any rebel bases from a prisoner, so he lies to The Emperor about it. He says that there is a rebel base on Azlok III--and turns out to be right.
* The Ditz - Scooper. He scoops.
* Face Heel Turn - Scooper.
* Faceless Mooks - Most of the characters.
* Game Mod - Several are used to render characters, enviroments, and props.
* Ho Yay
* Limited Animation
* Never Heard That One Before - The Emperor is tired of being greeted with "AAAAHHH, it's The Emperor!" everywhere he goes.
* Manipulative Bastard - The rebel leader on Azlok III.
* Mooks - The Rebel soldiers, in a reversal of their usual role.
* My Name Is Not Durwood - McGrubble's superiors constantly reffer to him as "MacGrubble," much to his annoyance.
* The Password Is Always Swordfish - The password is always "Hezbollah."
* Pointy-Haired Boss - Commander Groll.
* Punch Clock Villain - Our "heroes." Mostly.
* Reasonable Authority Figure - Emperor Palpatine
* Rule of Funny - Why are there so many things from the real world in the Star Wars universe? Why does the plot have so many contrived coincidences? Because it is funny!
* Show Within a Show - Up Late with Boba Fett.
* Something Person - Cat Man.
* Sophisticated As Hell - The rebels. Which, when you think about it, makes more sense than their portrayal than in the movies. You would expect people rebelling against the government for purely ideological reasons to be rather well-educated.
* What about the people who are rebelling because The Empire disintegrated their families?
* Techno Babble
* Too Dumb to Live - The woman on Tatooine.
* True Art Is Incomprehensible - "You know, why do they have a picture of some fucking dogs playing pool? Dogs don't play pool. What the fuck is this?"
* The Unintelligible - Scooper only talks about scooping.
* Work Com