| - Panzer IV is a medium vehicle unit featured in Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts and in Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor. It is one of the three available tanks in the Wehrmacht forces of which, it is the medium tank.
- The Panzer IV (also known as the PzKpfW. IV) was a German medium tank used extensively for the blitzkrieg tactics of the early part of World War II. They were designed as infantry support vehicles, and as such carried a relatively light 7.5 cm KwK 40 and several MG34s. Their appearance is prominent in the WWII-era of the Medal of Honor franchise. It is impenetrable by normal weapons, although the MG42 can dispose of the Panzer IV quite easily. It is considered an antithesis to the M4 Sherman medium tanks, although its armament and weapon loadout are actually more advanced and powerful than that of the Shermans.
- The Panzer IV is a vehicle in Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. It is the standard tank for the Axis team.
- The Panzer IV was not designed to fight in tank combat. Due to this role was done by its smaller brother, the Panzer III. But after the T-34 was produced into large numbers, the Panzer III and IV was innefective due to its 37mm & 50mm guns was not enough to pierce the Soviet armor. So the Panzer IV's role was to assault the new Russian tanks with improved armor and a long barrelled 75mm gun. It was proved effective but was still countered by the USA Shermans and the KV-1. So its tank role was partially replaced by the better Panther tank and the StuG III tank destroyer.
- In an alternate timeline, one of these tanks was destroyed by a Na'kuhl soldier in 1944 with a plasma rifle on a firing range in order to show the destructive power of the modulating plasma pulse. The sequence was filmed and shown to a German Wehrmacht Generalmajor, residing at the White House at the time, by Na'kuhl leader Vosk, who claimed that one blast equaled the destructive power of three 88mm shells. (ENT: "Storm Front")
- thumb|250px Een Panzerkampfwagen IV, afgekort PzKpfw IV, ook bekend als de Panzer IV, is een tank die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog door Duitsland werd ingezet. Er werden ruim 8500 exemplaren gebouwd en alleen al door dit grote aantal was ze belangrijker voor de Duitse oorlogsinspanning dan betere Duitse tanks zoals de Panther en de Tiger I en Tiger II. Aan het Russisch front was ze in sommige opzichten verouderd ten opzichte van de T-34.
- The Panzer IV (Panzerkampfwagen IV or abbreviated PzKpfw IV) is a medium tank considered to be the workhorse of the Wehrmacht, that is fielded by the Axis during World War II.
- The Panzer IV, or SdKfz 161, or Panzerkampfwagen IV was a medium tank that was used by Germany during World War II.
- The Panzer IV is a German medium tank used in World War II. The Panzer IV was the only German tank to see combat over the whole of World War II, from Norway to Poland to the Battle of the Bulge and the Fall of Berlin. During the later stages of the war, it was supplemented by the Panther tank, which was to replace it. Regardless, the venerable Panzer IV remained in service to the end of the war with Germany, and beyond in other countries. The Panzer IV depicted in-game is an Ausf. F1 variant.
- Designed as an infantry-support tank, the Panzer IV was not originally intended to engage enemy armor—that function was performed by the lighter Panzer III. However, with the flaws of pre-war doctrine becoming apparent and in the face of Soviet T-34 tanks, the Panzer IV soon assumed the tank-fighting role of its increasingly obsolete cousin.
- The Panzer IV (short for Panzerkampfwagen IV, ordnance designation Sd.Kfz. 161) was a German medium tank whose function evolved from an infantry support role to a tank-fighting function. It became the backbone of the German Heer's (Army) Panzer Divisions, and was the only German tank to stay in production for the entire duration of the conflict. It first appeared in the anime in Episode 1.
- Panzer IV is the common name of a medium sized tank that was developed in the late 1930s by Nazi Germany and used extensively in World War II. The official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen IV (abbreviated PzKpfw IV) and the tank also had the ordnance inventory designation Sonderkraftfahrzeug 161.
- The Panzerkampfwagen IV (Pz.Kpfw. IV), commonly known as the "Panzer IV", was a medium tank developed in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s, entered service in 1937 and used extensively during the Second World War. Its ordnance inventory designation was Sd.Kfz. 161. It was a well rounded tank, and was a difficult opponent for the Allied Sherman and Stuart tanks. It was, however, has difficulties dealing with Russian T-34-85 or heavier tanks. During the early days of the war, this tank was greatly feared by the allies, since it was almost unstoppable.