| - Bob and Alice are being terrorized by Doctor Deathmurderkill. He has hunted them, attacked them, and nearly gotten them killed on several occasions. Bob is convinced that Dr. DMK has kicked the dog more than enough times to warrant fighting back with lethal force. Alice, however, insists that he must have a good reason, or maybe that it's all just a big misunderstanding. Despite any evidence to the contrary, Alice refuses to believe that he can actually be 'evil'. After all, no one's that heartless, right? Examples of Good Cannot Comprehend Evil include:
| - Bob and Alice are being terrorized by Doctor Deathmurderkill. He has hunted them, attacked them, and nearly gotten them killed on several occasions. Bob is convinced that Dr. DMK has kicked the dog more than enough times to warrant fighting back with lethal force. Alice, however, insists that he must have a good reason, or maybe that it's all just a big misunderstanding. Despite any evidence to the contrary, Alice refuses to believe that he can actually be 'evil'. After all, no one's that heartless, right? This trope is, in its essence, a character who firmly believes they're in a world of White and Gray Morality, that everyone can be redeemed, and there is no Moral Event Horizon. Whether Alice is right or not depends on the work's placement on the Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism. In an idealistic show, this attitude could very possibly lead to a Heel Face Turn and a Defeat Means Friendship. In a cynical one, expect her death to be the very thing to push the villain over the Moral Event Horizon. While not Always Female, this trope is usually limited to the very naive and very young, or the very old and war-weary, who've grown tired of the "black and white, us vs. them" attitudes of those around them. Note: Be careful not to just stick this trope onto any pacifistic characters, whether technical, actual, or martial. The tropes are related, but one does not automatically imply the other. Compare Stupid Good, The Pollyanna, White and Gray Morality. Contrast Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, Complete Monster, This Is Unforgivable!. Examples of Good Cannot Comprehend Evil include: