Aquaman is a Filmation animated series that premiered on CBS on September 9, 1967. It was originally produced as a twelve-minute segment (2 episodes) of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure series. The series featured the adventures of Aquaman and his teen-sidekick Aqualad, as they sought to protect the undersea city of Atlantis from a gallery of foes including Black Manta, the Fisherman, Nepto, Torpedo Man, Captain Cuda and Mirror Man. Aquaman and Aqualad (frequently referred to as "Tadpole") rode atop giant sea horses named Storm and Imp. Even Aquaman's wife Mera kept a sea horse. Rounding out the cast was a fun-loving walrus named Tusky, who possessed the ability to travel to the deepest depths of the ocean, despite the fact that he was a mammal. Tusky was sometimes accompanied by Top
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| - The Adventures of Aquaman
| - Aquaman is a Filmation animated series that premiered on CBS on September 9, 1967. It was originally produced as a twelve-minute segment (2 episodes) of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure series. The series featured the adventures of Aquaman and his teen-sidekick Aqualad, as they sought to protect the undersea city of Atlantis from a gallery of foes including Black Manta, the Fisherman, Nepto, Torpedo Man, Captain Cuda and Mirror Man. Aquaman and Aqualad (frequently referred to as "Tadpole") rode atop giant sea horses named Storm and Imp. Even Aquaman's wife Mera kept a sea horse. Rounding out the cast was a fun-loving walrus named Tusky, who possessed the ability to travel to the deepest depths of the ocean, despite the fact that he was a mammal. Tusky was sometimes accompanied by Top
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| - Frist Run: 9/9/1967
- Second Run: 9/14/1968
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- First Run: 1967 – ??
- Second Run: 1968 - 1970
| - The Adventures of Aquaman
| - Filmation
- Ducovny Productions
- National Periodical Publications
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| - Lou Scheimer
- Norm Prescott
- Allen Ducovny
| - Aquaman is a Filmation animated series that premiered on CBS on September 9, 1967. It was originally produced as a twelve-minute segment (2 episodes) of the Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure series. The series featured the adventures of Aquaman and his teen-sidekick Aqualad, as they sought to protect the undersea city of Atlantis from a gallery of foes including Black Manta, the Fisherman, Nepto, Torpedo Man, Captain Cuda and Mirror Man. Aquaman and Aqualad (frequently referred to as "Tadpole") rode atop giant sea horses named Storm and Imp. Even Aquaman's wife Mera kept a sea horse. Rounding out the cast was a fun-loving walrus named Tusky, who possessed the ability to travel to the deepest depths of the ocean, despite the fact that he was a mammal. Tusky was sometimes accompanied by Topo, an octopus. The show was also composed of special DC adventures too! Featuring, special segmetns of individual characters, including the Atom, the Flash and Kid Flash, the Green Lantern and Hawkman. The Justice League of America was also featured in its own shorts (Atom, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman and Superman) and so were the Teen Titans (Speedy, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl and Aqualad) were also featured in team adventures.
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